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Which companion do you have acompany you and why?


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I have found the companions I have met to be...annoying.. They either do not complement my play style (knight with knight means we hit each other) or they fire arrows and then get up close anyways. So i am curious, who do you guys prefer and where are they found?


For a bit I used Ensburn (spelling?) the mage as my companion. he was good, but I would prefer someone who is a conjurer so the pressure can be lessened a bit off of me. Also are there any healers? I have found none in 78 hours of gameplay, but skyrim is large..

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I have found the companions I have met to be...annoying.. They either do not complement my play style (knight with knight means we hit each other) or they fire arrows and then get up close anyways. So i am curious, who do you guys prefer and where are they found?


For a bit I used Ensburn (spelling?) the mage as my companion. he was good, but I would prefer someone who is a conjurer so the pressure can be lessened a bit off of me. Also are there any healers? I have found none in 78 hours of gameplay, but skyrim is large..

They all suck period!


I had Lydia acompany me for a little while and killed her because of that über-annoying cough she has and because she was constantly blocking my path/getting in the way. Then I took Benor with me who had the same annoying cough and kept blocking my path/getting in the way so I killed him aswell. Then some dumb dog kept following me around, again blocking/getting in the way and to top it of started pushing me in every bleedin' direction so I killed that one too.


They were useless anyways cause they keep dying on ya, don't properly level up or use stupid combat tactics like use bows on nearby enemys.


So I choose to go solo... No horsies, no doggies, no idiots with annoying coughs thank you.


One companion though was quit alright btw. The female dark elf (not sure she was elf tho) mercenary from the inn at Whiterun (not the Bannered Mare). But I dismissed her at some point and she just vanished.

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I'm an Imperial Vampire bowman at 100% sneak. I have used Lydia, Jenassa, and am now using Uthgerd. I have found the best way for me is to sneak into an area and engage with bow if Uthgerd isn't detected. If she is detected, I back away behind her and she usually (about 85% of the time) will come up from a crouch and attack whomever is in her path. At that point, I unleash a withering amount of barbs through the air, taking choice shots.


Of course, I'm also using the disable/enable trick on her every 3 levels that I gain to keep her from getting smacked around by simple enemies: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/474012-companions-and-tanks/

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One companion though was quit alright btw. The female dark elf (not sure she was elf tho) mercenary from the inn at Whiterun (not the Bannered Mare). But I dismissed her at some point and she just vanished.


That's Jenassa, from the Drunken Huntsman. She should have returned there.

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That's Jenassa, from the Drunken Huntsman. She should have returned there.

Alas... untill this fine day her seat by the little table remaines empty.


Nor can she be found anywhere else within the Drunken Huntsman. Nor Whiterun. Nor Skyrim for that matter. :(

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I've gone through a few, and have Aranea Ienith with me currently. I think she's my favorite so far. She has an interesting story (she's the last worshipper of Azura at her shrine), and makes funny comments (Damn, that's quite a sight). Plus, she's pretty strong. She summons atronachs and zaps people with lightning (and uses the zombie staff I gave her to resurrect dead things).

Though she does have an odd habit of equipping helmets, but then taking off all her other clothes...


So far, i've found that mage companions are far superior. They don't make a lot of noise and do a lot of damage.


Though, the best companion really is no companion... they are pretty annoying at times. I get by a trap only to have them set it off behind me and set me on fire xD

Plus, you give them all these presents, and they don't even use it, and just equip stuff at random...

Edited by Eyrika
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