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Crysis............ awesome graphic good gameplay good storyline

hells gate.............. nice graphic good gameplay and good storyline

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the only downside to Crysis ( this was fixed in Crysis Warhead) is that the AI it uses for the Koreans was rubbish! i stood on a building shooting at them and they never shot back and a few of them had the presscion rifle as well... certain youtube videos also show how bad the AI is


well part from a gripping storyline the mint guns and the Nanosuit the AI is the only let down



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Crysis............ awesome graphic good gameplay good storyline

hells gate.............. nice graphic good gameplay and good storyline

Hellgate London*


And Hellgate's storyline was utterly and totally crap (well the setting was alright but the jokey nature of all the stupid quests was just plain lame). The gameplay wasn't very fun either, but then I hate hack and slash (repetitiveness... oh look it's that monster I fought earlier but he's a different colour and slightly tougher). MEH. The only thing cool was the armours and some of the weapons.


On the other hand I love Crysis. I don't often replay the singleplayer though. It's the multiplayer that I enjoy the most.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone read about EA saying pc has one last chance to prove that it isn't a pirate machine? They said that if people dont start BUYING the crysis games then they will stop making crysis exclusive to PC?... ok so im not extremely bothered because i know the xbox and PS3 will never get to experience the graphics of that of a PC but i all ways liked the fact that crysis was special to PC and shouldn't be shared... what do you think? and why just crysis? why haven't many other game company's complained about loss of pc sales? I think because the majority of crysis players are hardcore gamers right? and i can guarantee that 95% of hardcore gamers know how to pirate.... thats why crysis is suffering lack of sales.... but i guess but id say 70% of people who play crysis and crysis warhead dint pay for it. Just my opinion though... im just worried that PC gaming company's like crytek will turn round and say "you know what?, forget it!" and turn their back on PC. I hope it doesent happen but it is either piracy comes to an end or we pc gamers are in for a bad future :(


ho and sorry to kill the spirit haha :P

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Crysis 2 will be on PC, Xbox and PS3. Though it's not because of pirates. It's because of scaling.



Yerli explained that the CryEngine 3 was a significant breakthrough for the company. He said that it's capable of scaling performance considerably, so he maintains that the PC version of Crysis 2 will look far better than the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions. At the same time, the console games will be as state-of-the-art as possible for those platforms.


"We don't need to dumb down the game; the technology provides all the horsepower we need to make a kick-ass 360 game, a kick-ass PS3 game, and push the PC gaming forward still," Yerli said.


Also EA is not the boss of Crytek.

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