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Where are equipped fusion cores?

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I'm trying to change fusion core drain rates. At first I tried changing the actor value PABatteryDrain, which achieved my goal of speeding up core consumption, and then made multiple different cores with more health. Then on experimenting I realized that, apparently, fusion core drain rates aren't affected by the core's health. So now I'm trying a different approach that uses a script to modify PABatteryDrain depending on the equipped core, but I need to know how the game "equips" fusion cores to armor, which I'm not sure of.


I pretty much just want to return the name of the fusion core.


As it stands now I have 4 new varieties of fusion cores plus the vanilla one. They are added to the "PA_FusionCore01" OMOD (which I think is what the game uses to power PAs) using their own constructible objects like normal fusion cores do. But I need a way of checking which one is equipped. Simply being able to check the name would be enough. But since PA is not a weapon I can't use that. And I tried using "Game.GetPlayer().IsEquipped(<CoreName>)", but that didn't seem to work either.


Anyone have any clue how to check that?

Edited by paulatreides0
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When faced with a problem like this, my approach is to dig into the Scripts\Source\Base folder with the goal of finding "How do they do it?"


Looking for scripts with FusionCore in the name, nada, maybe Battery, nope.


PowerArmor? Bingo. Have a look through these.






Hope those help.

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When faced with a problem like this, my approach is to dig into the Scripts\Source\Base folder with the goal of finding "How do they do it?"


Looking for scripts with FusionCore in the name, nada, maybe Battery, nope.


PowerArmor? Bingo. Have a look through these.






Hope those help.


Unfortunately I had already searched those prior to coming here, and couldn't find much. Insofar as I could tell, the game never needs such a function as what I want because it only has one type of fusion core to begin with. I would like to try to add different cores beyond just "PA_FusionCore01", which would need to be done in the CK, but I can't figure out how that they are incorporated for the life of me.


Gahhh, never mind. I'm an absolute idiot! I found out how to do it!...I think...

Edited by paulatreides0
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