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[LE] Renovate your House with console


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Static ingots, anyone?




oh wow you did it are these really static bar ? If so just wow! umm.. could you do this with all the claw keys do you know what i mean?

i would love to display them all ohhh and could you do it with jewelry ring necklaces ext, so you can add them to display case :dance:


Dose anyone know the code for the Dwarven gold wall mount (face with tucks thing) cant find it any where no idea what its could?-------------------------------------------------------------------SCRAP that i fount it.


000B879D DweCenturionBust01

Edited by grayskull8
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To be honest, the CK is right around the corner, so i don't think we need to make all the restless items static we might be able to play around with the markers and activators that bookshelves and weaponplaques uses and modify them to contain other items instead when we can get our hands on the CK. :)
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To be honest, the CK is right around the corner, so i don't think we need to make all the restless items static we might be able to play around with the markers and activators that bookshelves and weaponplaques uses and modify them to contain other items instead when we can get our hands on the CK. :)


yes people keep saying the ck is around the corner i see no sign of it could be a load off bull! If Sunnie is up for making static version of the havoc item im all for it i for one can think of load of item i would love to have static its annoying trying to place them down disable enable dose not all ways work.

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To be honest, the CK is right around the corner, so i don't think we need to make all the restless items static we might be able to play around with the markers and activators that bookshelves and weaponplaques uses and modify them to contain other items instead when we can get our hands on the CK. :)


Actually, my idea for a resource was mainly to go with the toolset, there still won't be static version of a lot of stuff and placing Havok'd stuff with the toolset doesn't shield them from environmental influence.

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That is true, but it is seldom you see your books flying around the room if you place them in a bookshelf, hence why i said we "might" would be able to modify markers and activators to make force items we want to stay put.

However, i see the point of making static items purely as a resource for modding in general, but my thoughts was more towards the idea of beeing able to place things yourself ingame. But! The more resources we modders can make and share, the better, i did not mean to imply that what you made was unecesarry, i just forgot to quote grayskull's reply when he suggested static necklaces and and dragon claws.

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I have a problem I'm hoping someone can help me with. I'd like to edit Nightingale Hall. What I'm focusing on now is the back bedroom (the room that has 2 beds and a bed roll in it). I want to turn it into an alchemy garden. What I had in mind is a small pond in the middle surrounded by dirt with plants on the side. I understand basically how to use the commands, through trial and error. I finally found a dirt mound I liked that wasn't covered in snow and ice. My problem is the water. Every time I try to place a body of water the console tells me I have an invalid object. I started trying water IDs I randomly picked and I get the same error. Has anyone gotten bodies of water to work?
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I have a problem I'm hoping someone can help me with. I'd like to edit Nightingale Hall. What I'm focusing on now is the back bedroom (the room that has 2 beds and a bed roll in it). I want to turn it into an alchemy garden. What I had in mind is a small pond in the middle surrounded by dirt with plants on the side. I understand basically how to use the commands, through trial and error. I finally found a dirt mound I liked that wasn't covered in snow and ice. My problem is the water. Every time I try to place a body of water the console tells me I have an invalid object. I started trying water IDs I randomly picked and I get the same error. Has anyone gotten bodies of water to work?


Ive work a bit with water and from what it seams like you are unable to generate a body of water as of yet .this is probably because water is built up of a couple of different codes. As of now we only have access to 1 of those layers of coding the surface layer what you can see, we can't add reflections or depth at the moment.

Saying this some of the water codes do come with animation attached, take the rapids for example i have given these a go and they look more like fog than water as it is only one-dimensional no depth to it.


the only water codes i could really get to work sort of was waterfalls/water sprays as that has the animation all ready attached to it. But again its only one-dimensional.


here is a picture of what i could do with water



Edited by grayskull8
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So right now we can't generate actual bodies of water but we can place certain animations like the waterfalls and splash effects? I'll try and play around with those for a bit. I like what you did with the cave stuff. That's pretty impressive.


Yarp this is pretty much it it :thumbsup: unless some can work out what code controls water depth?


thank you for the lovely comment those water futures are made up of like 2 waterfalls and three rapids for the starting part :whistling:

Edited by grayskull8
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