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[LE] Renovate your House with console


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Here's the full list of loadscreen objects.




LoadScreenAdventure01 0x0010E85E

LoadScreenAlchemyWorkbench 0x00108D6D

LoadScreenArgonian 0x0010BFBC

LoadScreenArgonianBarkeep 0x0010D9B0

LoadScreenBearBrown 0x00109529

LoadScreenBlackBriar01 0x0010BFBB

LoadScreenBoneCrown 0x0010C6D9

LoadScreenBookSkyrim 0x0010DEA5

LoadScreenBretonMage 0x0010CC2D

LoadScreenBronzeDragon 0x0010A169

LoadScreenChurus 0x0010A170

LoadScreenClavicusVileMask 0x00109518

LoadScreenCompanionsHelm 0x0010CC3D

LoadScreenCow 0x0010A965

LoadScreenDaedricShield 0x0010C6CC

LoadScreenDarkElf 0x0010EB01

LoadScreenDawnStarShield 0x0010CC36

LoadScreenDBDoor01 0x0010D18A

LoadScreenDeer 0x0010951F

LoadScreenDog 0x0010A15F

LoadScreenDragonAlduin 0x0010A963

LoadScreenDragonPriest 0x0010A161

LoadScreenDragonscaleCuirass 0x0010C6CE

LoadScreenDragonscaleShield 0x0010C6CA

LoadScreenDragonSkull 0x0010CC3C

LoadScreenDraugrFemale 0x0010BFC2

LoadScreenDraugrMale 0x0010952B

LoadScreenDSApprentice01 0x00000DE2

LoadScreenDSAtronach01 0x00000DE3

LoadScreenDSBoethiah01 0x00000DE4

LoadScreenDSLady01 0x00000DE5

LoadScreenDSLord01 0x00000DE6

LoadScreenDSLover01 0x00000DE7

LoadScreenDSMage01 0x00000DE8

LoadScreenDSRitual01 0x00000DE9

LoadScreenDSSerpent01 0x00000DDC

LoadScreenDSShadow01 0x00000DDD

LoadScreenDSSteed01 0x00000DDE

LoadScreenDSTheif01 0x00000DDF

LoadScreenDSTower01 0x00000DE0

LoadScreenDSWarrior01 0x00000DE1

LoadScreenDwarvenArmor 0x0010C620

LoadScreenDwarvenSpider 0x0010A162

LoadScreenElvenShield 0x0010C6CD

LoadScreenEnchantingWorkbench 0x00108D6A

LoadScreenFalkreathShield 0x0010CC35

LoadScreenFalmer01 0x0010DE97

LoadScreenFalmer02 0x00109528

LoadScreenFemaleImperial 0x0010E70C

LoadScreenFemaleWoodElf 0x0010D3BC

LoadScreenFrostbiteSpider 0x0010A163

LoadscreenFrostDragon1 0x0010C61D

LoadScreenGiant01 0x00108D67

LoadScreenGlassShield 0x0010CC50

LoadScreenGrayFoxBust 0x0010D180

LoadScreenGreybeard 0x0010BEA6

LoadScreenGreyBeardStatic 0x0010BFB8

LoadScreenHagraven 0x0010952C

LoadScreenHagraven02 0x0010AB3D

LoadScreenHelmetBlades 0x0010CC42

LoadScreenHelmetDaedric 0x0010FCCE

LoadScreenHelmetDragonscale 0x0010FCCF

LoadScreenHelmetDraugr 0x0010FCD0

LoadScreenHelmetElbony 0x0010FCD1

LoadScreenHelmetElven 0x0010FCD2

LoadScreenHelmetGlass 0x0010FCD3

LoadScreenHelmetNordPlate 0x0010FCD4

LoadScreenHelmetSteel 0x0010FCD5

LoadscreenHelmetStudded 0x0010FCD6

LoadScreenHjaalmarchShield 0x0010CC34

LoadscreenHorker1 0x0010CC3F

LoadScreenHorse_and_Rider 0x0010A15E

LoadScreenHorseMulti 0x0010A166

LoadScreenImperialHelmet 0x0010D182

LoadScreenImperialShield 0x0010F130

LoadScreenInstruments 0x0010BFB7

LoadScreenIronShieldHeavy 0x0010F12F

LoadScreenKhajiitThief 0x0010DE98

LoadScreenLogo 0x00109515

LoadScreenMalacathStatue 0x0010A177

LoadScreenMaleHighElf 0x0010E43A

LoadScreenMaleOrc_1 0x0010CDC0

LoadScreenMammoth 0x00109522

LoadScreenMarkarthShield 0x0010CC33

LoadScreenMarket01 0x0010E860

LoadScreenMaskAltar01 0x0010C622

LoadScreenMetalCage 0x0010DDCC

LoadScreenMoney01 0x0010E85B

LoadScreenMRaltar01 0x00000E87

LoadScreenMudcrab 0x0010A16F

LoadScreenNMCoffin 0x0010B174

LoadScreenNMCoffin01 0x0010BFB6

LoadScreenNocStatue 0x0010B2CE

LoadScreenNord 0x0010F18C

LoadScreenNordPlateCuirass 0x0010B177

LoadscreenOdahviing 0x0010C6DC

LoadScreenOrcishShield 0x0010F12D

LoadScreenPotemasSkull 0x0010D181

LoadScreenPotions01 0x0010950F

LoadScreenReagent01 0x0010E85C

LoadScreenRedguardMale 0x0010CDD3

LoadScreenRiftenShield 0x0010CC2E

LoadScreenRunedStand01 0x0010C623

LoadScreenSabreCat 0x0010A165

LoadScreenShopsMagic01 0x0010E858

LoadScreenShrineAkatosh 0x00108D6C

LoadScreenShrineArkay 0x001091D9

LoadScreenShrineDibella 0x001091DA

LoadScreenShrineJulianos 0x001091DB

LoadScreenShrineKynareth 0x001091DC

LoadScreenShrineMara 0x001091DD

LoadScreenShrineOfAzura01 0x00109512

LoadScreenShrineStendarr 0x001091DE

LoadScreenShrineTalos 0x001091DF

LoadScreenShrineZenithar 0x001091E0

LoadScreenSinister01 0x0010E859

LoadScreenSkeever 0x0010951B

LoadscreenSkeleton 0x0010C6DD

LoadScreenSlaughterFish 0x0010A164

LoadScreenSmith01 0x0010E85F

LoadScreenSolitudeShield 0x0010CC32

LoadScreenSoulGemGrand01 0x0010D18B

LoadScreenSpellbreaker 0x0010CC31

LoadScreenSpellTomeAlteration 0x0010D189

LoadScreenSpellTomeConjuration 0x0010D188

LoadScreenSpellTomeDestruction 0x0010D187

LoadScreenSpellTomeIllusion 0x0010D186

LoadScreenSpellTomeRestoration 0x0010D185

LoadScreenSphere 0x0010951C

LoadscreenSpriggan 0x0010BFC3

LoadScreenStatueNamira 0x0010A17B

LoadScreenStatueofMeridia01 0x0010A17A

LoadScreenStatueYsgramor 0x0010C629

LoadScreenSteam 0x0010951D

LoadScreenSteelShield 0x0010F12E

LoadscreenStormcloakHelmet 0x0010D183

LoadscreenSwampDragon1 0x0010C61C

LoadScreenThalmorBoots 0x0010D9B1

LoadScreenThief01 0x0010E85A

LoadScreenThiefStone 0x0010B16A

LoadScreenTown01 0x0010E861

LoadScreenTroll 0x0010951E

LoadScreenTrollCave 0x0010AB3A

LoadscreenTrollClean 0x0010E70B

LoadScreenWar01 0x0010E85D

LoadScreenWerewolf 0x0010A17C

LoadScreenWhiterunShield 0x0010CC39

LoadScreenWindCallerTomb01 0x0010C618

LoadScreenWindhelmShield 0x0010CC38

LoadScreenWinterholdShield 0x0010CC37

LoadScreenWolves 0x0010A160

LoadScreenWRTempleTree02 0x00108D69




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Has anyone found the baseid for Delphine's dresser... thanks all.


yeah the door itself is 99066 not for sure about the back part though. There is another one from the Theives guild will go with any Riften themed interior. The theives guild secret door is eb832


and just to let yall know yeah skyhaven temple has its collision set. But... once you get to a certain place on the map in the x and y axis, the game says "hey you shouldn't be there" and shoots you back to your point of entry. so skyhaven is a little bit big, youd have to find some way to scale it and your character (thinking a long corridor that makes you get smaller as you walk down it, can you say wonderland anyone?)

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Okay, so, somebody please help me. I'm trying to mod my Proudspire Manor with extended space and a complete renovation of the basement into more of a cave with it being cut into stone but I have no clue what I'm doing. I would so greatly appreciate a general tutorial on how to do these things: walls, floor, water, garden.


I'm about to implode after trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong for almost a week now.


Thanx so much. :)

Edited by Saliece
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Okay, so, somebody please help me. I'm trying to mod my Proudspire Manor with extended space and a complete renovation of the basement into more of a cave with it being cut into stone but I have no clue what I'm doing. I would so greatly appreciate a general tutorial on how to do these things: walls, floor, water, garden.


I'm about to implode after trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong for almost a week now.


Thanx so much. :)


I would highly recommend that you read through the previous posts on here. There's a TON of information that is very easily missed by skimming. It may seem long and tedious, but it's very well worth it. I have posted several helpful tips myself in the past, as have many other folks here.


That being said, it doesn't have ALL the info, so here's some basics.


- I would recommend that you DO NOT delete too much of your current house. Until the Construction Kit comes out, there are some things that can cause issues, so hold off on any MAJOR changes to the existing structure until we have the CK to work with, or until you're a more advanced user. For now, just delete a wall or two and put a doorway in its place. Then build off of that.


- Look at the site on the front page (http://fusromod.com/formids.php). It's not very user-friendly (all of the IDs have rather generic names) but this is how they're classified in the game by the devs. You can find common similarities among various parts, which will help. For example, all of the "Cave" stuff will have the word "Cave" in it. So if you're trying to make a cave environment, this would be the best place to start adding stuff. This isn't always the case, but it is often enough. Once you start becoming more familiar with the IDs, you'll start to see the pattern. For example, most of the Dwemer ruins parts have "DWE" in them. Most of the Nord cave ruins have "NOR" in them. This isn't always the case, though. For example, Winterhold stuff is listed under both "Winterhold" and "WH", Whiterun is listed under both "Whiterun" and "WR", and Riften stuff is listed under "Riften", "RT", and "RIF". You're going to have to spend some time getting familiar with the way the names are set up in order to be able to find everything you're looking for.


- There are several indicators of what an object is in the name. For example, larger parts often have "BG" or "LG" in the name whereas smaller parts can (but not always) have "SM" in the name. "FX" indicates an effect or glow of some kind, "ANIM" often means the object has animated parts, "EX" usually indicates a door opening, "ARCH" indicates an arch, etc. If you like the look or style of a certain object you see, try to use this rule to find other, similar parts that match the style so you can create larger rooms that look natural.


- I would also recommend that you check out blubbi321's pictures (http://skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3245) and some of the better Steam screenshot pages (http://steamcommunity.com/id/Shawkab/screenshots/?tab=public&) and (http://steamcommunity.com/id/snapless/screenshots/?) for more visual representations of what stuff looks like. Sometimes you will get nothing more than a wooden beam or a square on a floor. Other times, you will get entire pre-built rooms.


- The categories are important to know as well. "STATIC" contains items that are stuck in place and cannot be moved. "LIGHT" is light sources (NOT the candle/torch/fire itself, just the type of light it produces). "CONT" is containers (chests/boxes/bags/satchels). "ACTI" is an object which can be activated (levers/switches/miscellaneous objects you see in quests). Garden stuff can be in "FLWR", "TREE" or "GRASS", depending on what you're looking for. Water is under "WATR". As a general rule, just think about what you want to put down and try to find it in the most appropriate category. It may be in another category, so don't give up if you can't find it where you think it should be. It will probably exist somewhere else. It's also handy to have a thesaurus nearby. A lot of the objects have two names, for example "kettle" and "cauldron", "fire" and "flames", "pillar" and "column".


- I would HIGHLY recommend that you use TCL to toggle collision off. This will allow you to basically fly around your house and see things from any angle. Very useful for placing objects and seeing how well they fit where they're supposed to.


- When youre ready to start placing, there's two ways to do it. player.placeatme OBJECTID will place whatever code you put in directly where you are standing, at the angle you are standing. I prefer NOT to do this because then you have to line it up. If you select an existing object and type placeatme OBJECTID then it will create that object using the x,y,z angles and positions of the object you have selected. The reason this is preferable is let's say you're placing a chest onto a floor. If you use placeatme, it places it directly on the floor in the correct position. If you use player.placeatme, you then have to re-angle, realign, and reposition it.


- As has been discussed many, MANY times in this thread, stuff will not always work right away. For example, if you place a chest at one end of a room and then move it to the other end, the activator that says "open chest" will still be where you initially placed it. You need to save and reload for the new position to take effect. Also, if you change the angle of an object with setangle, it almost always will not show. You then need to do a command like setpos or setscale to get it to show. Objects also have no substance when initially placed, so you will need to exit and reenter your house before they are tangible. This is another reason why TCL is so helpful, because you don't have to rely on having a place to stand.


- When you want to select something, just open the console and click on it and you will see its ingame ID displayed. This is NOT the ID for the object, it is the ingame ID which is different. Simply typing placeatme followed by that object code you see in the console will not place a copy of that object. There are ways to find out what that object is, but other posts have already covered that. It is important to pay attention to exactly what you're clicking on. If you're trying to select a different object, look at the object number to get a sense of what you have selected. Some objects have a fairly large selection radius (like fire or certain magic effects) so you'll think you're clicking on one object when you're actually clicking on another. It takes some getting used to to know what objects you need to be careful with (fire is the biggest one).


- I won't go over the setpos, setangle, and setscale commands since they've been gone over in great detail in this thread. However, you will use these CONSTANTLY so get familiar with the syntax and you'll be well on your way.


- Be sure you become familiar with which direction is x,y,z in your house. You will be moving objects around, often hundreds of pixels at a time and it is vital to know what direction you will be moving. Z is always up and down, Y is usually front to back, and X is usually side to side, but it will all change depending on what direction youre facing. Try moving something a pixel or two to see what direction it moves in to make sure you're going the right way before you move it hundreds of pixels off.


- If something is too big or too small, use setscale. Be advised, though, that if you increase the size of something, it will start to become blurry whereas if you decrease the size it typically looks more detailed. The texture map is the same regardless of the size, so don't blow anything up too big.


- You can do stuff in increments, but the incriments stop at the second decimal. For example, setscale 1 is the normal size of an object. Setscale 1.1 increases the size by 10% of the original size, 1.2 by 20%, and so on. Setscale 1.01 increases the size by 1%. However, setscale 1.001 will not have an effect because it doesn't register that third decimal place for some reason. Conversely, you can do setscale .9 which is 90% of the original obect size, or .95% which is 95% of the original size, but you can't do .905 because it will just round the third digit off. So it's best to stick to two decimal places when building. This also goes for setpos, setangle, etc. So you can move objects by doing stuff like setpos x 100.5 to place it directly in between 100 and 101.


- It may be required to offset something by .01 because of clipping issues. For example, say you place a floor, then you place a different kind of floor on top of it. If one of those floors is placed at Z of 100 and another one is placed at Z of 100.01, only the 100.01 will be visible (provided they are both flat surfaces). This can be helpful when you find an object that has a part you don't want visible, you can just hide it behind part of anyother object and stack them to create a layered effect (see the screenshots in my profile for some examples of that http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198023396781/screenshots/).


- I would recommend that you hold off on spawning anything too complex until the CK comes out. As discussed in other posts, NPCs will never stand on the floors that YOU placed because the floors/walls aren't considered "solid" by the NPCs. The CK will fix this, so don't spend too much time stressing over this because right now NOBODY can fix that. Just focus on the aesthetics.


OK, I'm done now... my hand hurts, but thanks for giving me something to do to relieve my boredom at work. :) The key thing to remember is that it's going to take lots of trial and error. I am CONSTANTLY putting in the wrong IDs and having to delete them. If you find stuff you like, keep a list of what the codes for them are so that you don't have to keep searching for them over and over again when you want to use them. And be sure to take lots of screenshots and show folks here so they can see your work.


Happy building. :)

Edited by pmg123
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Holy crap. Thank you so, so, so much. Now all I have to do is read 60 some odd pages to fill in the blanks. :P


The get/set pos thing I can't quite get down yet, but I'm sure I will with all this info. This is my first time playing on pc as well, after gaming for 23 years... that alone is intimidating. This is ridiculous. Lol. The ck is supposed to be out this month, yes? I might take your advice and just wait for that to start building in an effort to avoid any mishaps.


Ever so glad I could give you something to do. Lol. Again, I can't thank you enough for so much info at once. My day will play much smoother now. ; *

Edited by Saliece
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Thanks for the amazing sleuthing you've all done! I've just begun dabbling in modding Proudspire Manor and the things you've all discovered are incredible. I find it very interesting that Bethesda encourages such active tweaking in their games.

I have a few questions I'm hoping someone more savvy than me can answer regarding certain things I've been doing:


1- Is it safe to markfordelete the bedroll on the first level of the mansion? I've heard that sometimes the player's spouse glitches so that he'll sleep there instead of upstairs in your bed, would this fix or exacerbate the problem?


2- I've read that it's not advisable to delete too much from the house yet before the CK is released, and at the same time I see many people freely replacing walls and, indeed, entire rooms. What affect does this have on the house (besides messing with your follower's pathing), especially when it comes to newer version updates? Does stuff ever get moved around after patches, and what kinds of negative effects might I experience in Proudspire after deleting many things? I know not to mess with mannequins, bookshelves, and weapon racks.


3- If you spawn a hostile and use the addfac and setrelationshiprank commands to make it like you (I wanted a pet xd) will the player-summoned NPC ever despawn after a certain amount of days? Or is it there for good?


Sorry if any of these have been asked before, I'm trying my best to read through the pages to answer questions for myself but as of now I'm only up to page 24 out of 70, heh. Thanks in advance!

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