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Perfected - BANNED

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Perfected banned.

Reason for the ban
Insulting the staff in a report (because apparently the staff is supposed to read every comment and remove the offensive ones promptly)


Comments like this dont get removed, but non offensive ones do.

s*** moderation team on this site, it's a shame.


... in an attempt to take revenge for their own formal warning and suspension.



Nexus site staff
Nexus Mods is owned and maintained by Robin Scott (member name "Dark0ne"). Robin is regarded as the law on Nexus sites and he has the final say on any action that might need to be taken regarding a breach of the terms of service for any Nexus site. What Robin says goes irrespective of whether there has been a breach of the terms of service or not.

Nexus sites and the forums are staffed by unpaid volunteers (known as moderators and "staff") who work hard to ensure the smooth operation of Nexus sites and encourage a healthy community. The moderators and other admin on the site have been given specific privileges by Robin to keep the site clean of the bad articles listed in these terms and use their own personal judgement, that Robin trusts, to come to decisions.

These moderators have a right to carry out their task without harassment, insult or hassle. Members who believe that a member of staff is not conducting themselves properly should get in contact with Robin via the forums or email. Know that if Robin receives word of any members harassing or being rude to Nexus site staff then he will take every action possible to permanently remove them from his sites.

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