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I kinda wonder, dwarvens can have giants underground forts, pipelines that goes through miles and miles, even robots that function with steam, yet, they haven't discovered explosives? or at least some sort of can that breaks releasing a cloud of steam, useful to escape without becoming invisible
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Based on the timeline, we know that the Nords, after defeating the Falmer, wen't somewhat ballistic on Mer. As such, we can assume the Dwemer holds in Skyrim likely fell before the Nords were defeated by the united Chimer and Dwemer armies at Red Mountain. It was onyl a few decades after this that the Dwemer had their little... accedent.


As such, we can assume that the Dwemer holds of Skyrim have been abandoned for at least 3000 years. Chances are, any explocives which remaind have long since become useless. They certianly had them, but they'd be of less value to the PC's than a pot, and thus not lootable.

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Because lore and content don't matter as long as the game is so streamlined it will slip out of your hands while playing.


I might not be certain of what you mean here but i'm pretty sure the game is incorporating the lore correctly. And goblins being in Skyrim is never explained in any lore so it's possible that no tribes moved their because they hate the cold or something. Falmer are in the lore, so they are there. read up and deal with it.

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