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Maximum number of mods/plug ins?


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Is there a maximum number of mods/plugins that can be used with Fallout 4. Since the last (I wish) patch I've been having problems with CTD's, which I more or less manged to sort, but with several plug ins disabled. I enabled 2 of them and the game started to load, but when I clicked continue a warning came up saying that some content required by that save may be missing. The list included Fallout .esm, Automaatron and quite a few others. It then crashed.

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I'm pretty sure that the official number is 255 plugins - .esms and .esps to include the Fallout4.esm and all dlcs. You can have as many texture/mesh mods as your computer can handle. I've read (in Skyrim) that some people were experiencing instability the closer they got to having 255 plug-ins. My rule of thumb is to keep my plug-in list under 225. I usually try to combine some of the smaller mods/patches into a single plug-in to reduce my load order.

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