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well i got the invitation the other day, and i was allowed to start at 10:00 this morning. i started downloading around like 3 or 4, and i am still freaking downloading. it started off at roughly ~1mb/s and has slowly dwindled down to 550kb/s as of right now. i think ive downloaded roughly 12gb so far (it was 1gb for the first thing, then it was 11gb for this last thing, now im downloading something that is 5gb) everytime i think im almost done, it goes into something else to download. and i think there is like 20gb total to download, could be wrong but ya. it will be downloading over night. i got a lot to do tomorrow, so i may or may not even get to play tomorrow.


anyways, i post this (somewhat out of pure frustration lol) but also when i finally get to play, ill post my opinions on it. no im not allowed to post screenshots or anything here so dont ask, but ill give you my personal opinion, for whatever its worth.


im very excited. i hope i get to play a little bit tomorrow!


any suggestions on which class i should try first? (except the two main Jedi, have no desire atm to play the cliche classes)

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I was in the recent "stress test" and I've been re-invited. I may pop in again if I don't have anything better to do.


I really wasn't impressed but then, I've been burned out on MMOs thanks to WoW and the new dumbing down and immature crowd.


I found the graphics to be good and my FPS high. I liked the dark / light side dilemmas.


That's about it. There was nothing particularly striking and combat wasn't very exciting.


I'm sure it will attract die-hard Star Wars fans but don't expect anything special or different compared to all the other MMORPS.



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well im a little different. i played about 2 weeks of WoW, got to lvl 46. then got bored of it. played a while on Champion Online, but never got past lvl 20 i think. im not burned out on MMOs, cause ive barely touched them. ive always wanted a game i can go back to, but havent found a game yet. until SWTOR. idc about graphics. they cant be any worse then WoW. i LOVE Star Wars, (watching it on TV right now as a matter of fact lol), unlike WoW, LOTRO, and even CO, i care about the story line/lore of SWTOR, couldnt care less about Raven Windrunner and Moria Thistleback (made up names) in WoW. think its the stupidest thing ever, but to each his own lol.



im actually just about to go play for a bit. taking a break from some homework that is really being a pain in my tush. prolly gunna try bounty hunter first. then maybe soldier, then we will see from there.


glad to hear others opinion on SWTOR though :)

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I was in the recent "stress test" and I've been re-invited. I may pop in again if I don't have anything better to do.


I really wasn't impressed but then, I've been burned out on MMOs thanks to WoW and the new dumbing down and immature crowd.


I found the graphics to be good and my FPS high. I liked the dark / light side dilemmas.


That's about it. There was nothing particularly striking and combat wasn't very exciting.


I'm sure it will attract die-hard Star Wars fans but don't expect anything special or different compared to all the other MMORPS.



This was my fear after watching people play, glad you confirmed it. I play a lot of Rift and Age of Conan-I knew what could be awaiting me behind the SW wrapping so I just skipped it.


I hope the Secret World brings something new to the world of MMORPG, just like AoC before it, Funcom is one of the only developers of the genre to step out of the WoW mold.

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honestly, the homework is a week late. and its being a real pain in my butt.



but first impressions on SWTOR, is im liking it. it deff feels like i Bioware game. there is a story, there are choice, there are light and dark choice, and there is full voice acting. feels a lot like Mass Effect really. which isnt a bad thing...im only a lvl 4 Bounty Hunter, and i want to get to try at least one other character before it ends tomorrow (or so i hear) so i prolly will stop there and try Soldier tomorrow.


but ya. deff a fun game, i have an urge to try all the characters. like most MMOs, i have a feeling ill play for a month and stop then play for another month then stop. i dont think ive ever played any game for more then a month straight lol. because you pay monthly, im compelled to play a lot, then i get burned out fast, and im sure it will be no different here.


i prolly wont get it day one. for a few reasons. one is im on my laptop, and while it runs just fine, id like to play it on my desktop when i build it. plus waiting also allows them to balance everything out and get patches out...i didnt experience any bugs or anything in my couple hours of play....the one thing that bugged me was when you use an ability on an enemy, they take the damage when you use the ability, before the lasers/missles or what have you actually hit them. just looks out of sync to me. this could be lag on my end, again im playing on a laptop, but ya. not a game breaking thing, even if its apart of the game and doesnt get fixed, i think id survive lol


but ya if you like Mass Effect and/or Star Wars and/or Bioware and/or MMOs, youll prolly like this game. im getting when i expected with SWTOR, and im excited to get to play higher levels with friends when i get the game and watch my guy get stronger. i can see myself having a lot of fun with this game. solo and with friends.

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honestly, the homework is a week late. and its being a real pain in my butt.



but first impressions on SWTOR, is im liking it. it deff feels like i Bioware game. there is a story, there are choice, there are light and dark choice, and there is full voice acting. feels a lot like Mass Effect really. which isnt a bad thing...im only a lvl 4 Bounty Hunter, and i want to get to try at least one other character before it ends tomorrow (or so i hear) so i prolly will stop there and try Soldier tomorrow.


but ya. deff a fun game, i have an urge to try all the characters. like most MMOs, i have a feeling ill play for a month and stop then play for another month then stop. i dont think ive ever played any game for more then a month straight lol. because you pay monthly, im compelled to play a lot, then i get burned out fast, and im sure it will be no different here.


i prolly wont get it day one. for a few reasons. one is im on my laptop, and while it runs just fine, id like to play it on my desktop when i build it. plus waiting also allows them to balance everything out and get patches out...i didnt experience any bugs or anything in my couple hours of play....the one thing that bugged me was when you use an ability on an enemy, they take the damage when you use the ability, before the lasers/missles or what have you actually hit them. just looks out of sync to me. this could be lag on my end, again im playing on a laptop, but ya. not a game breaking thing, even if its apart of the game and doesnt get fixed, i think id survive lol


but ya if you like Mass Effect and/or Star Wars and/or Bioware and/or MMOs, youll prolly like this game. im getting when i expected with SWTOR, and im excited to get to play higher levels with friends when i get the game and watch my guy get stronger. i can see myself having a lot of fun with this game. solo and with friends.


Get your homework done, whippersnapper. Tis much more important.


Don't make me come over there. ;)

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