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New US Bill Threatens Nexus


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I have been researching an internet censorship bill my government club has been discussing, and I though it was a serious issue and directly applied to all of us at Nexus. Watch this video which briefly summarizes the bill:

This means the US government could remove nexus for US citizens just because someone posts a screenshot involving vanilla resources from Skyrim, Oblivion, Fallout etc. as the site owner, Robin Scott is held liable for anything any of us posts on his website(s). This is not only an infringement upon our rights (which are still a privilege, and still must be fought for.) but it threatens the very lifestyles of so many of us. I mean nothing makes my day after knocking out a huge essay than entering dwemer ruins and finding a my little pony sleeping bag.


By going to http://americancensorship.org/ you can sign up via e-mail and help represent the people here. Robin's sites have over 2 and a half million members, and though I know not nearly that many will see this post, a lot of people working a little can achieve a lot. Please share via Facebook, Blogs, and all that good stuff. I have been contacting people around the web (not spamming mind you, just contacting those I know who hold an audience) and trying to help some of us get our heads out of the sand. Please make an effort here, it is always easy to just say things will work out for the best, and justice will prevail, but if we don't step up now, well we need to represent.




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This is an absolutely valid concern, and one of the main reasons this bill needs to be fought. Censorship to combat copyright infringement is one thing, but restrictive censorship of legitimate references in the form of mod sites, and even major media sites such as Twitter, Tumblr, and Youtube, is unacceptable in our free country. If this bill is passed, it threatens the very existence of these great sites despite possessing legitimate credit to copyright holders of referenced content.
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The issue here isn't that they want the right to censor, but that they want to enlarge the power and control of the government. Once they have the ability to censor the internet, they will move on to doing the same to books, magazines, TV and Radio etc. This is the way that the US government has operated for the past 60+ years.
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There has been a thread on this in debates, one of the main causes for alarm is that the Bill would theoretically give the US power to dictate to sites hosted outside the USA and interfere in the jurisdictions of other sovereign states. It would not, as the OP seems to suggest, just affect Nexus for the US user. The US servers could be theoretically moved to another location, but it would have to be a non poodle-ish country that would tell the USA to "go away" if they tried it on. Which counts out my own country, sadly, as they would do whatever they were told.
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This bill actually has little to no chance of passing. It is being pushed by the 'big content' companies such as Sony, Warner Brothers, Disney etc as an anti piracy measure. They got some of their pet bribed congressmen to propose the bill. Then congress and the news jumped on it as a red herring to avoid having to actually do something about the real problems that we face here in the US.


That said, there are many things you can do, Besides whining which has no effect at all. :tongue:


Signing the internet white house petition against the bill (does very little as these are mostly ignored) Besides, the prez can only do something after the bill has passed both houses of congress - then he can sign it - making it law. veto it, forcing the big media people to spend more bribing more congressmen to do their bidding, ( a 2 thirds majority of BOTH house and senate prevents a presidential veto) or ignore it (pocket veto) Where it sits in limbo until it is (hopefully) forgotten.


Signing actual petitions being passed around at schools and other places (be sure you actually read what you are signing or you may later learn you signed a petition in favor of the bill)


Calling your congressman's office, either local or in DC - you will talk to an intern, but they do make notes of what people called about.


Best!!! :thumbsup: Writing directly to your congressman - this actually has more affect than petitions. A hand written letter gets the most attention as they see printed letters as mass produced. These are sorted and read by interns, but a large pile of letters urging opposition to a bill will get their attention.

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