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How to move mods from modorganizer to nmm?


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How to move mods from modorganizer to nmm?


I have have mods on one and half on the other .


problem is I don't think mo really puts the mods in the game itself, as they are not there unless you run the game through mo, its dependent on the installer which is bs.


I don't know if tools like loot or tes or such account for this. Its like a weird emulator as its not installing this stuff directly.


I spent 36 hours real time getting my mods back and right.


I just want to move them all to NMM so everything working right. And no not visa versa. From mo to nmm, and not the other way around.


Please Advise?

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Well I had to do it the long and hard way....import every file to Nmm from mo's download folder and install it, still at it one at a time, painfully slowly.


So i have to start halfway over, lucky me.


i tried copying the mod folder over 10 gig with just under half my mods into the skyrim main folder already downloaded but this failed to produce them installed so, oh joy, this will be my 3rd or 4th full day at it before I can play again.

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If you wanted, you could copy the contents of each sub-folder in the "Mod Organizer \ Mods" folder directly to your game's data folder. However, NMM would not be able to uninstall them and you would have to do it in a very specific order to ensure files were overwritten in the correct order.


What you are doing by re-installing from the download archive is the fastest way to have NMM recognize the mods. Sorry.

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