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black interiors


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Hello you beatuy Tes friends (:

today i played skyrim somehow a bug appeared, if i walk into dragons reach , breezehome or some jarls longhoueses the inside just completly black.

its just like a blackscreen i still can walk through the building and talk with people , and somehow if i cast clairvoyance the building lights up to normal for like one second but gets

black again, i havent done a screenshot because you know its just black :huh:


so i decided to check and clean everyhting with "tes5edit" ( "update.esm" )because loot said some dirty records and stuff is in there ,now below every mod/plugin that loot shows is the text following text marked with a red background:
"for this plugin update.esm hast to be active but isnt" i will do a screen for you guys.


so basically these are my 2 problems id like to get solved, thank you so much for answering.


have a nice day :laugh:

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Some ideas on the fly :


  • Could be a mod that is causing that : Selective loading : untick 50% of your mods, beginning by the end of your load order and test in game. Then depending on if the problem occurs again or not, increase /decrease the remaining loading mods to find the culprit.
  • Backup your ini files and delete the files. Skyrim.ini / SkyrimCustom.ini / SkyrimPrefs.ini found in C:\Users\User\Documents\My Games\Skyrim then use your vanilla launcher to autodetect and use best settings for your computer.
  • Verify gamecache. Backup the vanilla masters and DLC if you have cleaned them, the process will revert them to pristine condition.

Good luck.

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