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Northern light ENB huge problem

Guest deleted3657943

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Guest deleted3657943

Hello, i will explain briefly the problem i have with this ENB and a mod called Dark fantasy overhaul.



I have follow the instalation guide for this enb at the letter(and even more i think), i use Mod organizer, i have already search for isolated the problem and wich mod was causing this s#*!.


the problem is, i don't know why those "mods" (Enb are mod for me) go in conflict i read correctly, they shouldn't cuz they modifed somethign different, then if someone know to correct these problem or have a similar problem and found a way to correct this mess i will apreciate it, thanks in advance.


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Guest deleted3657943

My computer spec:

Version logiciel Radeon - 16.7.3
Édition logiciel Radeon - Crimson
Jeu de puces graphiques - AMD Radeon R9 200 Series
Taille de la mémoire - 4096 MB
Type de mémoire - GDDR5
Horloge du processeur - 957 MHz
Version Windows - Windows 10 (64 bit)
Mémoire système - 16 GB
Type de CPU - Intel® Core i5-3570 CPU @ 3.40GHz


My entire mod list was just this two mod, but i'm sure it's DFO who cause the problem because i have try to uninstall it and the game was runing without any problem.

The problem was ( i should had to take some screen .. . ) the graphic who goes crazy with color going to full yellow or huge white spike, i was in Jorvaskrr ( it is said to always be in a build for the first time you get an enb), my Gc is up to date, the only problem with the software of my GC is don't know how to disable the anti alising and the anisotropic filter in it, the best way i have found is to close it completly and let the enb do his thing alone.

Anyway i have already uninstalled Northern light because it wasn't the Enb i wanted, i will redo my modding from the scratch, thanks for answering.

Edited by ahriman87
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