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255 mod limit bypass


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Didn't it have some issue with race records? Going from memory, not booted up fallout since contraptions dlc rolled out. I am waiting for one big run through with nuka-world.


If STEP says its good to go.....well i trust in STEP. bunch of folks waaay smarter than me


The latest version has been out like 8 months and has thousands of happy users.......so take that for what its worth

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Here is what I have found to be most successful. Step by step instructions.

use mergemods standalone, not the script for tes5edit.
in NMM arrange the esp files that you think you will be able to merge in consecutive order.

I usually go into my skyrim folder and put a . at the beginning of the file names of these plugins as it makes it easier to manage in windows file explorer.
Then I go into Tes5edit and I deselect all, and select only the mods that I want to merge, Tes5edit will then select the masters automatically.
One by one I run the wrye bash tag auto detect script for each of these mods, and click yes to write the bash tags to the esps. Once all of the plugins have been "bashified" close tes5edit and save the plugins.
Fire up the merge plugins application.
deselect all then scroll down to the esps that you will be merging. Make sure there is a check next to all the mods you will be merging. then highlight them all using shift+right click. right click on the selected esps you will be merging then goto select>masters.
the OK should now be clickable.
Give it some time, the more esps you select to load the more time it needs, but once the little indicator at the bottom says background loader complete using right click+shift highlight all the esps you want to merge.
Right click on this group of selected esps and goto plugins>check for errors.
Once it finished checking for errors you will either have a green check or a red x next to each esp. For the ones that have red x's right click on individually and goto errors>fix errors.
click ok to whatever it asks, about renaming formids and saving the plugin.
once you have done this for all of the plugins they should all have green checks, if they do not fix errors again. If this still does not give a green check, then right click>errors>ignore errors.
Now select all of the esps that have green/orange marks, right click>merge>Add to merge>create merge. Give it an easy to identify name like "Misc. Weapons & Armors (merged)".
Goto the Merge plugins tab, and you should see the newly name merged plugin in highlighted in green! If so right click on it and goto build merge! let it do what it needs to do, click ok where it makes sense, and then close.
Now go into your skyrim data folder and remove all the plugins you just merged. I put them in a merge folder in my data folder for back up nicely organized.
Go into your merge plugins app folder>merges and open the folder with the name of the plugin you just built. Sometimes there is just an esp with the name you gave it, sometimes there is other stuff like textures, meshes, sounds, or even an .ini file. copy everything in this folder EXCEPT the folder called merge into your skyrim data directory.
Go into NMM and check your esp so it's activated.
Fire up TES5Edit again. Deselect everything, and then check your newly created merged plugin, click OK.
Right click your merged plugin>apply script>wrye bash auto detect script, click yes to write bash tags to file. Once that is done close Tes5Edit.
Run Loot.
Run Mator Smash.
activate your smashed patch.
run wintermyst/sky proc/ASIS/etc

Enjoy and God bless!

Edited by irswat
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