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Vampires: To Be PC Or Not To Be PC


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Apropos of not much: When I was a kid vampires were regarded as evil...no ifs, ands, or buts.

Bella Lugosi's character model was the archetype. That model became firmly lodged in my

brain and has never left. Sooo, I don't run as a vampire, nor do I recruit vampire followers.


I do, however, take great delight in reducing them to a pile of ashes. I'd never trust Serana in

any way, shape or form. Hmmm, that brings up a question: Are we able to kill Serana or is

she totally essential to the game? That would be after all the main vampire quest(s) have

been completed of course.

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Unless you have a mod that can change the essential tag, she will always have it, and I do believe all followers are tagged essential.

After the Dawnguard questline is finished she is no longer essential to the game.

I have read there are ways to kill essential tagged followers, but it has never happened to me.



You can cure her after the questline is done. As long as you do not mess up her dialog before hand.


Serana is by far my favorite follower. Add in a few mods for her, like Queen of the Damned, and she is more powerful than than any other follower I have seen, and I do have a few custom followers I use as well. If you find her at or slightly above to level 10, she will outshine you in every way with that mod.

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Serana is one of the good guys...I mean people...I mean Undead...
Any perusal of European myth and one can discover that not ALL Vampires are "Evil". -Being cursed/born into a *ahem* "bloodline", or being targetted by another Vampire is NOT a precursor toward true evil.
One's personality does not get subsumed by the state of Vampirism unless one succumbs to the fact that one is immortal...and powerful. -THIS is the true point at which evil can take hold. And it can be fought. Especially if one has a conscience (As Serana seems to have).
And she is truly one of the best followers.
She does at times seem to "hover" a little to close during the questline (Is it me? Or does she do that more often when one's toon is still a "Mortal"?)...

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Serana is one of the good guys...I mean people...I mean Undead...

Any perusal of European myth and one can discover that not ALL Vampires are "Evil". -Being cursed/born into a *ahem* "bloodline", or being targetted by another Vampire is NOT a precursor toward true evil.

One's personality does not get subsumed by the state of Vampirism unless one succumbs to the fact that one is immortal...and powerful. -THIS is the true point at which evil can take hold. And it can be fought. Especially if one has a conscience (As Serana seems to have).

And she is truly one of the best followers.

She does at times seem to "hover" a little to close during the questline (Is it me? Or does she do that more often when one's toon is still a "Mortal"?)...


There is a mod which makes it possible to kill game npcs after their quests, etc., have been completed. I've never used it, primarily because I'm never quite sure that it's entirely wise to take out

former key characters. I always have this little thought at the back of my mind: "What if they missed something and I'm about to scuttle the game?"


About Serana though, have you truly noticed that she doesn't play well with others...as in not wanting other followers to muck up her relationship with the player? Which means that she wants them

gone from the scene. I'm currently running a pretty tough game, with several rigorous mods added, and I'm not about to pair up with Serana until I'm reasonably advanced. Being all the time dead

is a real bummer. Currently, I'm at level thirty and still being taken out with one shot, so four or five followers is pretty much a necessity. This is about the only situation in which I go looking for followers that are

seriously OP. Once I level up to where I want to be I'll send the OPs back to Lakeview for a well earned vacation, and I'll recruit three or four average types to run with me. I always need a lot of

pack mules since I'm of the "hoarder" persuasion.

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Hmmm, regardless of your personal perception on Serana, you may be able to kill her. However, have you followed the complete Dawnguard quest line?

I do remember that you can turn her human, maybe you can kill her then, unless you change you mind.

Probably not as she is a follower and has that essential tag.

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Hmmm, regardless of your personal perception on Serana, you may be able to kill her. However, have you followed the complete Dawnguard quest line?

I do remember that you can turn her human, maybe you can kill her then, unless you change you mind.

Probably not as she is a follower and has that essential tag.


Not a lot of point in killing Serana after that. After that she's just kinda there...unless you want her as a follower. She's still a bit awkward at that. The player really needs

to stay sharp with timing and dialogue in order to have Serana wind up properly. I've messed that up more than once.

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Apropos of not much: When I was a kid vampires were regarded as evil...no ifs, ands, or buts.

Bella Lugosi's character model was the archetype. That model became firmly lodged in my

brain and has never left. Sooo, I don't run as a vampire, nor do I recruit vampire followers.


I do, however, take great delight in reducing them to a pile of ashes. I'd never trust Serana in

any way, shape or form. Hmmm, that brings up a question: Are we able to kill Serana or is

she totally essential to the game? That would be after all the main vampire quest(s) have

been completed of course.


Spoiler Alert:





If you choose to not become a vamp ... and kill off her dad and his court; you will have a dialog that will be opened briefly where you can ask her to become mortal. She will do it. She will still have most of her set character, but will no longer be a vamp.




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Vampires in the Elder Scrolls universe is highly evil in my books, until proven otherwise. Serana is an "proven otherwise" and since you can persuade her to cure the vampirism later on, there is really no need to kill her. If you personally don't like her as a person, at least have the Dawnguard adventure with her and get her cured, then let her become the Dawnguard's Castle Mage, since she should be the only pure magic user of them all.

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