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Nexus mod manager crash


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So this happen pretty much everytime I want to download a mod, I start it, click Skyrim, click OK and then the f***ing logo just stands there for ages, and then it finally starts up, now the version is 0.12.10 or something like that and if I click pause on a download I get a crash dump error, everysingle time, its even like this when I try to download a mod via this manager on skyrimnexus, same s***, takes minutes to start up and then it just stands there at 0% and when I click pause on it then I get crash dump error.


I thought It was supposed to auto-update it self (The nexus mod downloader) and mayby it does, but its still bugy and crashes more often than actualy working as intended. (Adding the mods to the skyrim file, and uninstalling them is completely bug free and crash free, the only problem is when I download the mods).


Yes Im mad.

Edited by Noobkaka
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