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Skyrim doesn't go full screen


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I have tried this but it does not seem to work. Alt+ Enter doesn't either. When I play in full screen the screen loads and then stays black, the bethesda logo doesn't load and it basically stops working. When I bring up my task manager it says skyrim is not responding.

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So I've run into a bit of a problem when playing Skyrim.



It's like this every time I start up the game and I have no way of setting it to full-screen. I think it may have to do with when I sent a saved file to a friend of mine through Skype (he'd come over and played some so I sent him his data for continuation) but I'm not sure. Either way, if there's a simple solution or advanced solution is not something I care about, I just want to fix it. I've tried re-installing and fixing the audio settings as well as set it to "windowed mode" in the settings and then turning it off again.


Also worthy of note is that I can't load any saved files. All it says is "New Game", "Credits" and "Quit" (or was it exit..?).

Please help me, I have no idea how this came to be as it's worked perfectly fine for around 50hrs. :-(

And before anybody asks, yes I can find the saved data, it just won't read them. Not even the savedata manager pulls it off.


A man in need


My SkyrimPrefs folder isn't there. ono

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

So I finally solved this issue. It wasn't a bug with the game but with path finding in the computer.

I had set the language to english everywhere except for in the "Advanced" section in the language settings in the control panel. There I had "Japanese". This messed with the path finding for both New Vegas and Skyrim when I tried launching them. So that was my problem, if somebody else stumbles across this problem I hope this can help. :-/

Can you explain to me exactly how you did it

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  • 2 months later...

If someone still have this problem check your launcher not shortcut properties compatibility tab and uncheck line run program compatible for windows ... This solved mystery for me
Otherwise try to run in windowed mode and then hit ALT + ENTER

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  • 11 months later...
I had been using Steam to launch Skyrim, then I started using Steam SKSE, then SKSE with NMM; after this I gave Mod Organizer (MO) a go and had this issue. It appears that launching from MO did not recognize my previous launch set ups. I had to use the Launcher from within MO to launch the game to achieve initial game preference setups, such as resolution, fullscreen, ticking the gamepad controller options etc... After this I could open from MO in fullscreen; it appears to me that each "fresh" start with Skyrim the launcher must be used to set fullscreen etc... all seems well for me now.
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