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Retexture Defuse and Normal maps from scratch


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Hi everyone.


I have been looking through tutorials and posts trying to find a good guide to making new textures and normal maps and not just simple edits (recolor ect)


What I do at the moment is keep the seam/edge of the original texture and just paint in the middle to prevent texture seams. I would much rather like to know how other modders are repainting textures entirely with brand new seams (one example of this is Fair skin complexion, whatever method hhaley uses clearly does not rely on the original texture edges.)


Secondly, I would like to know how to make matching Normal maps. I have seen guides that show how to use a 3D sculpt and turn it into a normal map (such as for a face normal map ect), however I would like to know how the fine details such as beard scruff or animal fur are achieved that match a painted texture. A good example of this if KrittaKitty's animal retextures. To clarify, I am not referring to normal maps made with Photoshop DDS plugin or Crazy bump, but the more 3D ones that are made using a baked sculpt.


My goal is to retexture a few animals and ultimately make some new skin textures for male humanoids and khajiit.

There are quite a few great female options, but male options are not to my taste.



I hope my question makes sense. If not please let me know and I will try to make it more clear. ^^;


If any of you talented modders care to share your workflow or any tips and tricks I would most appreciate it. :happy:


(BTW, currently I am using Photoshop CC for my retextures/edits)

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