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Nexus Mods Profile

About Zchu

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  • Currently Playing
    Skyrim, Moonlight Blade.
  • Favourite Game
    Skyrim, The Witcher 3, Uncharted, FFVIII, Legend of Dragoon, Dragon's Dogma,Tales of Series.

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. Hi everyone. I have been looking through tutorials and posts trying to find a good guide to making new textures and normal maps and not just simple edits (recolor ect) What I do at the moment is keep the seam/edge of the original texture and just paint in the middle to prevent texture seams. I would much rather like to know how other modders are repainting textures entirely with brand new seams (one example of this is Fair skin complexion, whatever method hhaley uses clearly does not rely on the original texture edges.) Secondly, I would like to know how to make matching Normal maps. I have seen guides that show how to use a 3D sculpt and turn it into a normal map (such as for a face normal map ect), however I would like to know how the fine details such as beard scruff or animal fur are achieved that match a painted texture. A good example of this if KrittaKitty's animal retextures. To clarify, I am not referring to normal maps made with Photoshop DDS plugin or Crazy bump, but the more 3D ones that are made using a baked sculpt. My goal is to retexture a few animals and ultimately make some new skin textures for male humanoids and khajiit. There are quite a few great female options, but male options are not to my taste. I hope my question makes sense. If not please let me know and I will try to make it more clear. ^^; If any of you talented modders care to share your workflow or any tips and tricks I would most appreciate it. :happy: (BTW, currently I am using Photoshop CC for my retextures/edits)
  2. Funny you Just described the Witcher 3, which is one of my favorite games of all time lol! Seems I am in the minority though :laugh: I have no problem with skimpy clad women, I like cool looking clothes for both genders. If its skimpy or fully covering is irrelevant to me. Is the design good? Does it fit the color? Does the fabric look realistic? These are the things I care about when it comes to character costume design. I am more offended by the epidemic of ugly armor/clothes in gaming. Vanilla Skyrim armors, and many of those fugly clown armors in the Witcher 3 come to mind DX I am very open minded, I don't limit my fondness of things built on any stereotype. I like rugged, gritty, bloody aspects. I like sexy looking characters and some tasteful innuendos and jokes in my games. But heck I love cute animals, big pink bows and sunshine with rainbows too!
  3. In response to post #27527609. #27527849, #27527994, #27528224, #27528879, #27528919, #27529224, #27529299, #27529544, #27529909, #27530019, #27530539, #27530744, #27531059, #27532069, #27532379, #27532479 are all replies on the same post. People are always surprised I am female. I guess I should add something girly on my user name??? I mean my Avy is my female OC... but still. I am a mod creator also, I just don't publish my work. I horde my things all for myself =p The only thing published publicly I helped with is the Fine Faces texture. I worked on the neck, ears and redid the feet textures for SAM body. One day i will publish one of my mods that is not too personal (not one of my OC's is what I mean) I also download tons of skimpy armor and have nude mods. Not for any pervy reasons, rather as an artist I find the human form beautiful. I want my characters to be perfect and customized, every bit of them. That's my 2 cents anyway ^^
  4. This is very sad news. I don't mind paying for things, but I fear this will take skyrim modding down a very dark path. My Fear is not that I might have to pay for mods, its that modders will start pulling there mods from nexus in hopes of making money off them at Steam. While this may seem like a good thing, and it could be for GOOD moddeers... when I feel will inevitably happen is paying for POORLY made mods and people taking advantage of this system. I can not count all the mods I have tried and the uninstalled because they ended up not being what they seemed, or were buggy and broken. I personally use no mods from Steam, only here on Nexus and some other individually shared mods. I don't want this site to die or even suffer from this.
  5. Thanks for all the suggestions! I am really overwelmed with all the Mods right now lol I wanted a ENB, but am not sure what would run well on my ASUS laptop. Any suggestions?
  6. Hi everyone, this is my first time here and using Mods. I just Ordered a Asus Rog G751JT-DH72 laptop http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=9514702&SRCCODE=WEBGOOPA&scid=scplp1932073&kpid=9514702&gclid=CjwKEAiAlb6lBRCBw4jC-bb3uykSJAB55Ti9aRgZUglJVdM6Ezhax3lTDJWShEOcLqiAymTrCsAAhRoCAJjw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds I am wondering what kind of Mods I can run with the GeForce GTX 970m graphcs card. Also any suggestions for mods I should check out as a total newbie lol I have played and finished Vanilla Skyrim on PS3 and am excited to play it modded on PC. I am planning on getting the Legendary Edition. Mainly I want something to make my character look better, I liked my character and want to use her in my PC playthrough... but would like to improve her. Have my horse be invincibleSome sexy armorMy character is a werewolf, so any cool mods for werewolves, maybe that make them actually useful or look better for example DXDerkeethus is my man so any Mods involving him or Argonians would be nice.I also saw a Mod on steam that gives Argonians sorta Velociraptor legs, I really hope Nexus has that Mod.I also would like to play it with a controller as I have carpel tunnel and it makes using a mouse and keyboard painful after long periods of time =(I would prefer to use my PS3 controller since I am used to it. Thanks for any tips in advance everyone! =D
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