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Do NPCS have perks?


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Does anyone know a good perk to test that I would be able to give to my npc that I could see worked? I'm trying to console in a perfect assassin... Was wondering if I should bother adding the perk commands to them... Not sure if they work or not... Does anyone have a good idea for a test perk?


It's possible all characters were programmed the same as the player, as they have the potential to have perks, but they just don't, or maybe the player class has more variables than the npcs do???






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Im not to sure, But I def noticed my follower and enemys doing decapitations only after myself had decap perks


Yeah, but I'm pretty sure you can do killing blows without perks... They may have just made enemies do decaps as a "troll the player" kinda thing... I always feel humiliated when I get killcam'd =\

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From what I can tell, they may have scripted abilities but it doesn't look like they have perks. I loaded a low-level save and then used console commands to give Lydia 100 heavy armor, 100 2-handed weapon skill, and a whole slew of 2-handed weapon perks. Gave her an Orc Greatsword and it still took her 5 minutes to kill a guy I could have killed solo in 30 seconds or less. Oh, and I also upped her stamina to 300. It may be as Stoned says, the game gives NPC's abilities based on the level of your own. Once I got to a certain level I saw for the first time an NPC use the disarm skill on me.
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Followers are at (and stay at) the level you are on when you first encounter them.


If you encounter Lydia early on, most do, she'll have low stats and almost no perk points to spend.


Would you encounter her for the first time at level 40, she'd be a level 40 with 40 perk points. After increasing her fighting skills she actually spends them on sneaking and becomes pretty good at it.


Best way to get your follower up to date:


You can update his or her stats by dismissing the companion, then opening the console, clicking the follower in question, typing "disable" and then typing "enable" without the quotation marks, then ask them to rejoin. The follower's inventory will remain unaffected, but his or her stats will all be updated to match the player's current level.
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