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Actor None not found in array eror


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Hello everyone,


I've a problem in skyrim. I'm using lots of mod with Mod Organizer. I used Loot, TesV edit...

There is an error windows in skyrim. I dont know why is coming screen. But when I click "OK" , the window is closing and spamming again. So, I cant play, Icant open the "esc" menu.


Thats the problem :



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The problem is not related to NPCs ecc. Try creating a mod from the overwrite folder and see if that works. Have u installer skyrim and modorganizer on the programfiles folder? that might be the problem.

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U have 255 Plugins and u don't even have a TESVEdit Merge patch and a Bashed Patch u should find a way to add those 2 patches because they are essential for compatibility especially if using SkyRe. A lot of the mods are in the wrong spot on the load order. I think there are problems on your mod list as well:

1.+Cleaned Update.esm

2.+Cleaned Dawnguard
3.+Cleaned Hearthfire<-------Duplicate?
4.+Cleaned Dragonborn<-----Duplicate?
5.*Unmanaged: Natural Lighting and Atmospherics<---why is this here? you installed it on the Data folder and not on ModOrganizer right?;
6.*Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack03<---WrongOrder (they are disabled on the bsa archives i assume);
7.*Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack02<---
8.*Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack01<---
9.*Unmanaged: HearthFires<---------Duplicate?
10.*Unmanaged: Dragonborn<-------Duplicate?
You should redo your load order from start follow this guide to make it functional: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/753253-only-you-can-prevent-forest-fires and then use TES5Edit to find the right place for every mod in the load order.
Make a Merge patch on TES5Edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtLolEgVMTg
Edited by Project579
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Dangerous mod SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esm, you may replace it with immersive creatures.

Also lanters of skyrim needs some patches for compatibility.


Also did you follow the step guide?


SkyTest is perfectly safe and fine to use. Its in my load order right now. Fantastic mod. I believe the only reason it was ever considered slightly dangerous is because it had ITMs the author never cleaned up.....but they are gone now.


Immersive creatures and SkyTest are completely different and do completely different things. I am using both.


SkyTest modifys animal AI making them behave more realistically. They will hunt and act more like real animals. Not all will attack on sight anymore. it doesnt modify stats or add new creatures or anything else.


Immersive creatures adds many new lore friendly creatures to skyrim giving the world more variety.

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few weeks ago I installed the STEP and it takes lots of time... but (I think) it is completely bullsht bcs Skyrim has 10 fps with STEP. After that I uninsttall some graphic mods but my fps still be 10-20. And I said f.. the step f.. the skyrim and Installed this mod list. So please dont tell me "use step its awesome" bcs it is not.


My Skyrim and MO not in C: , in X: and not in program files... MO files in Skyrim folder.


1.+Cleaned Update.esm YES

2.+Cleaned Dawnguard YES
3.+Cleaned Hearthfire<-------Duplicate? YES YES
4.+Cleaned Dragonborn<-----Duplicate? YES YES
5.*Unmanaged: Natural Lighting and Atmospherics<---why is this here? you installed it on the Data folder and not on ModOrganizer right?; Yea not on MO, manually.
6.*Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack03<---WrongOrder (they are disabled on the bsa archives i assume); They are and Unoffical HRTP pacth are disabled bcs MO says they are dummy plugin.
7.*Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack02<---
8.*Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack01<---
9.*Unmanaged: HearthFires<---------Duplicate? yep
10.*Unmanaged: Dragonborn<-------Duplicate? yep
Icant use ASIS,Dualsheathredux bcs they show an error ( ı dont remember right now)
and I will create bashed patch and merged patch (I didnt know they are important)
thank a lot for all messages guys. love u.
Edited by ismetisgor
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few weeks ago I installed the STEP and it takes lots of time... but (I think) it is completely bullsht bcs Skyrim has 10 fps with STEP. After that I uninsttall some graphic mods but my fps still be 10-20. And I said f.. the step f.. the skyrim and Installed this mod list. So please dont tell me "use step its awesome" bcs it is not.


My Skyrim and MO not in C: , in X: and not in program files... MO files in Skyrim folder.


1.+Cleaned Update.esm YES

2.+Cleaned Dawnguard YES
3.+Cleaned Hearthfire<-------Duplicate? YES YES
4.+Cleaned Dragonborn<-----Duplicate? YES YES
5.*Unmanaged: Natural Lighting and Atmospherics<---why is this here? you installed it on the Data folder and not on ModOrganizer right?; Yea not on MO, manually.
6.*Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack03<---WrongOrder (they are disabled on the bsa archives i assume); They are and Unoffical HRTP pacth are disabled bcs MO says they are dummy plugin.
7.*Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack02<---
8.*Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack01<---
9.*Unmanaged: HearthFires<---------Duplicate? yep
10.*Unmanaged: Dragonborn<-------Duplicate? yep
Icant use ASIS,Dualsheathredux bcs they show an error ( ı dont remember right now)
and I will create bashed patch and merged patch (I didnt know they are important)
thank a lot for all messages guys. love u.



STEP right at the top of their page lists "minimum PC requirements"


You cant heavily mod skyrim on a potato of a PC.

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