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TES5Edit - How to Change Item Behavior?


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Hi there,

I want to wear several items together, which are currently not compatible to each other.

After a short while I heard about the option to change an items behavior in the "TES5Edit". [A Big Thanks to "darstyler" at this point!]

In this particular case I wish to:

- Remove the circlet slot from every hood in the game
- set the tribunal mask to use slot 44

- set all dragon priest masks to use slot 52


Could anyone explain to me, step-by-step, how I would do that?

I am running Skyrim Legendary Edition via Mod Organizer. TES5Edit is already installed and working in Mod Organizer.

Thank You, to everyone who is able and willing to help me!

Take Care!

Edited by entitybln
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This tutorial instructs you on how to set the body part slots with NifSkope and the Creation Kit. I will let you refer to that for usage of NifSkope and a link to its download page.


To use xEdit instead of the Creation Kit


This will assume that you do not have a plugin yet to contain your changes.

Open xEdit

Load the required DLC and nothing else (Skyrim & Update will load automatically with one or more DLC selected)

Once loaded, locate one of your Armor forms. You can either filter by FormID or EditorID if you know those (UESPWiki has them listed with the items). Otherwise you can sort by the Name field and scroll till you find them.

Right click on the Armor form entry (left pane) and choose "copy as override..."

In the window that appears, select a new plugin, then give it a name.

On the entry under your new plugin,

Locate the "BODT - Body Template" on the right

Edit your values here (select, press F2, change value)

Locate the "Armature" section, these are your Armor Addon entries

If only one, ctrl+left click on the entry, it will take you directly to the Armor Addon entry

If more than one, check each till you find the one that has entries for both a "male world model" and a "female world model"

Right click on the Armor Addon form entry (left pane) and choose "copy as override..."

Put it in your new plugin

On the entry under your new plugin,

Locate the "BODT - Body Template" on the right

Edit your values here (select, press F2, change value)

Make a note of the file path and NIF file name for both of the "male world model" and "female world model" entries
Close xEdit to save your changes and create your new plugin
Refer to the linked tutorial on using NifSkope. You need to ensure that the NIF file (both _0 and _1 for each gender) is using a body slot number that you have assigned to both the armor and armor addon forms.
Repeat the entire process for every armor piece you wish to modify. If you do not already have replacer NIFs for the items in question, you will need to extract them from the appropriate BSA files. Mod Organizer can extract the entire BSA. However, for a surgical strike in obtaining a single file you can use BSAopt (tho I'm not sure on those instructions, but this might help)
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Hello mein freund, hello IsharaMeradin,

You may follow the good informations IsharaMeradin gave you above, some I didn't know.

This is what worked for me since a long time, using a male character with Immersive Armors. Hope it doesn't create problems : here is the result, Ragnar is a level 92 character, wearing a bear hood, apotheus armor, sabre gear, fur back pack, fur cape, tribunal mask, DP mask, Barbarian Hero Circlet, ear ring, eye patch, (all enchanted).

  • Download and install Tes5edit.
  • Start Tes5edit, load all your active plugins, (selected by default) if you need to edit items in other mods in the meanwhile.

/// To edit the tribunal masks :slot 44

  • Once loaded, in the left pane, expand Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp and also the armor sub-section and sort the files alphabetically using the name tab above the pane.
  • In the name column, always in the left pane, scroll down and find the four masks : Tribunal Mask Bronze, Tribunal Mask Ebony, Tribunal Mask Gold and Tribunal Mask Silver.
  • If you don't want to make changes directly in the file, use the "copy as override" to paste the four entries in a new plugin. (Strongly advised)
  • Left click the first to select it and in the right pane, scroll down and find BOD2 - biped body template. Following what this picture shows, tick - untick what needed and click ok when done. Repeat the process for each mask and each entry below you want to edit.

/// To edit the hoods slots 31 + 41, bandanas, circlets slot 42 and some others :

  • Repeat the same operation described above and search for the different items in Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp / armor sub-section :
  • Apotheus hood.
  • Bandana, (there are a dozen) .
  • Barbarian Hero Circlet.
  • Bosmer Engraved Hood, Bosmer Hood.
  • Bosmer Mask slot 44.
  • Dragonbone Ebonsteel Hood.
  • Dragonhide Heavy Hood. Dragonhide Light Hood. Dragonhide Unarmored Hood.
  • Dragonscale Ebonsteel Hood.
  • Dwarven Mage Heavy Hood. Dwarven Mage Light Hood. Dwarven Mage Unarmored Hood.
  • Ebony Mage Heavy Hood. Ebony Mage light Hood. Ebony Mage Unarmored Hood
  • Einherjar Brigandine Dark Hood. Einherjar Brigandine Light Hood.
  • Einherjar Plate Dark Hood.
  • Einherjar Plate Light Hood.
  • Falkreath Crown.
  • Fur Collar - Loose + Fur Collar - Tight slot 45.
  • Fur Hood + Fur Hood black + Fur Hood white.
  • Gold Earrings IA slot 43.
  • Padded Fur Hood + Padded Fur Hood black + Padded Fur Hood white.
  • Primitive Nord Light Hood.
  • Redguard Knight Heavy Coif + Redguard Knight Light Coif slots 31 + 41.
  • Ringmail Hood.
  • Ritual Shroud of Boethiah slot 56. (so that it will work with capes and cloaks).
  • Snow Bear Helmet slots 31 + 41.
  • Tribunal Heavy Hood Black, blue, green, red, white.
  • Tribunal Light Hood Black, blue, green, red, white.
  • Wild Hunt Light Hood.
  • Witchplate Hood.

/// To edit the hoods in skyrim.esm, (need to copy as a new record into your new plugin as you can not edit this esm directly) Expand skyrim.esm and do the same as above :

  • Apprentice Hood (s).
  • Black Mage Hood.
  • Guild Master's Hood.
  • Hat (s) slot 31.
  • Dragon priest masks = Hevnoraak, Konahrik, Krosis, Nahkriin, Otar, Rahgot, Vokun, Volsung, Wooden Mask slot 52. I use opened DP masks mod.
  • Hooded Black Mage Robes + the dozen other hooded robes below this one slots 31 + 32.
  • Leather Hood.
  • Mage Hood (s).
  • Novice Hood.
  • Psiijic Hood.
  • Redguard Hood.
  • Shrouded Cowl + Shrouded Hood slot 31. I use better shrouded armor.
  • Thieves Guild Hood (s) slot 31.

/// Corrections : in case you did a mistake you may revert the changes you made simply by editing or removing the entry (ies) from the left pane in your new plugin.


/// To save, ctrl + s and to close, alt + F4.


  • Sort your new plugin just after Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp in your load order, just to ensure it overwrites it.
  • Here are some tips about Immersive Armors.

Hope I did'nt forget anything, let me know. Good luck.

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