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Mod not overwriting.working correctly, please advise


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Hey, I am trying to throw together a quick stat change mod for "Cute Elves". I open the creation kit, make the changes, save the new .esp file and go into TES4Edit and add the CuteElf11.esp as a master, then make a new bashed, etc, etc.... but when I get into game nothing is changed.


I have tried it with and without a bashed patch and its the same. I am using the newest version of the creation kit (1.2.404). What am I doing wrong? I read somewhere that "scripts" can override things and the cute elf mod does have a script that runs, could this be the issue? And if so, how do I fix this?

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Two words ... mod deisolation (and no, I didn't come up with the name for this).


In a nutshell what it means is that you can't use the vanilla Construction Set to create an ESP using another ESP as a master. The CS won't tell you it's ignoring your changes, but it will ignore your changes.


Two ways to solve the dilema ... Wrye Bash or Construction Set Extender.


With the Wrye Bash method you change your Elf mod ESP into an ESM (aka ESMify in the WB right click menu) load both Oblivion.esm and your Elf.esm and then create your mod ESP. When you are done you turn your Elf mod ESM back into an ESP (ESPify in WB) and in the game your Elf mod ESP will be treated as a master for your newly created ESP. All the usual rules regarding ESMs apply to the Elf mod ESP now ... it must be above your ESP in your load order and if you uninstall the Elf mod your ESP will no longer work (most likely will give you a missing master CTD).


I'm not a CSE type myself, so I can't give you a step by step ... Contra may pipe in with the details but from what I have gathered with CSE it's a simple process.

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And pipe in I shall. :tongue: Yes, using the CSE, it is as simple as it gets: nothing needs to be done (well, except for installing the CSE). When the CSE is installed, and launched so that it gets loaded, it is possible to load up an esp that has another esp as its master and there will be no issues at all, and no tricks like esmifying and/or espifying and all that needs to be done.


The almighty CSE, by our lord and saviour shademe, is here: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/36370


But Striker... how can it be that you do not use the CSE? The mind boggles. :psyduck:


Edit: Now that I think of it, maybe you might have mentioned it somewhere already, but I cannot remember. Hmm. Or maybe you have not.

Edited by Contrathetix
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It's that dinosaur DNA I carry ... I'm waiting for a meteor to fall from the sky ... then maybe I'll change.


Actually some of the stuff I want to do when I get home in a few weeks will be my "meteor" I think. Wouldn't be right for me to say to you "Hey Contra, can you Fluffyize these NPCs for me?" ... just wouldn't sit well with me (and would reduce the chances of some scripting hand holding ... I have had more visions of sugar plums ... hehe).

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