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Invisible pitfires in cities


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Hey guys,


I recently installed Climates of Tamriel



via MO, loaded my savegame, but from that point forward pitfires in cities are invisible, while all other sources of fires (torches, spells, giants campfires) work properly.

I then disabled CoT, however the bug persisted. Also the fog in the Skyrim Main Menu and loading screen looks more blurry and lighted.


I then reinstalled Skyrim, had CoT uninstalled, but it didnt help. Strangely apparently CoT is still working despite being deleted.


I will post a screenshot of the issue. I have

-Skyrim Legendary (all 3 DLCs in order Dawnguard, Hearthfires, Dragonborn)



-Unofficial Legendary Patch

in that order


I got other mods too, but they arent related to graphics and textures of non-character data. Only other mod I installed at the same time was Caranthir Tower Reborn.



If you really want my complete modorder and plugin list, please ask.

I am sorry for the small picture but sadly only 250KB are allowed.


I really hope you can help me!


Kind regards,



Edited by Stahlvormund101
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