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Graphics am I blind


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Listen, as a game developer, graphics don't matter. There is such as thing as stylization versus realism. I prefer stylization myself, as realism will ALWAYS be lacking. To whoever said, "I dare you to put your graphics on minimum", actually, I have them on minimum. I use a cell-shader for Skyrim, and I play with textures as minimized as possible to give it a "stylized" look, because I prefer it over realism.


Second of all, Bethesda released the game with bad graphics and expected modders to fix it? What the hell. Listen, you must not play many indie games, am I right? You probably don't know a spec of how games are made. Games work on a schedule. Games have to be put out by the end of that schedule on a certain budget. That budget gets spent on gameplay, writing, voice actors, design, and graphics. On this limited time and budget, artists do what they have to in order to keep up with the textures. Bethesda actually had plenty of time and money, and it still shows. Have you looked at some of the texture files? They're actually pretty high quality. The game looks great as it is, and just works. We've hit, (or are pretty damn close to hitting) a graphics platau. As long as it doesn't pull you out of the immersion, and looks beautiful, it works. It gets the job done, and other aspects of the game are worked on. The only reason modders can make better textures, is because this is leisure to them. They have unlimited time and it doesn't cost money, it's a hobby.


As to the "movie" comparison, it obviously shows what you know about movies. "Special Effects" are not comparable to graphics, if anything, the Camera work is. The textbook example of PERFECT black and white filmography is Citizen Kane. Sure the story is a bit meh, sure there isn't much action or adventure, but the camera work and film proficiency is amazing. Whereas you could have a very poorly filmed and designed movie, that has several special effects. Even action or Sci-fi could be done relatively well with little to no special effects. Just go watch any art-house film.

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Crysis had excellent gameplay. People who repeat /begin dramatization "OH GAIZ GOOD GRAFIXX MUST B VEWWY BAAAAD GAMEPL4Y!!!1!1" /end dramatiazation are being really silly. Crysis had excellent gameplay. For an FPS, it was stellar. You could mould the environment, bend it to your will - make a palm tree crash onto a damaged car and blow it up, smash the roof of a hut inwards, throw soldiers at each other, cloak your way through bushes to avoid being attacked, combine strength and speed and be an ultra-powered ninja... Crysis had some of the most intense, varying and satisfying gameplay any FPS has ever offered, and trust me, if there's an FPS available on PC since about 2003, I've played it.


But anyway - yes, Skyrim does have 'bad' graphics. There are some places where it does look pretty good, especially some of the mines or caves, and the snowy forests, but again, it's not really a game that prioritises visuals. I can understand why Bethesda chose to do so: let's face it, they're not very good with optimization, the game's a console port, they haven't had enough time to add stuff to the engine AND make the game very pretty whilst balancing visuals with loads of content, and it's possible they simply don't possess the know-how to make their games prettier, other than higher quality textures and meshes, but again the game is a console port so there's not much point in doing that.


And no, I'm not complaining. I personally think the game's fine. It's not got very good visuals, but considering Skyrim is basically turning into a modding platform instead of a game, that won't really matter. (Plus, TOR's just around the corner http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/psyduck.gif)


tl;dr: Don't worry about the graphics, they'll be fixed soon enough. And Crysis was an excellent shooter.

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So I came in with facts but you have beaten me and I know when to quit I am not getting through to anyone here.



Seems the general consensus is graphics and Physics in a game don't matter. Character animation doesn't matter. Bad weather and particles don't matter.



The only thing that matters is being a fanboy and not knowing it.



One last question for you guys.


Do you think Skyrim with mods will look better then Crysis with mods? Thats it.

"I came in with facts"


Heh. You're just the gift that keeps on giving my friend.


I can't say it better than the dude.


Do I think Skyrim will look better than crysis? I don't know, after a quick google search to see Crysis, maybe (anything is possible I guess)? Do I care? Not really, no, because the present graphics are just as amazing in a completely different art style.

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So all you can do is petty little crap like that. Sorry but water looks like that and I bet I can even get a close color code match it photoshop proving it if you want.


Oh please do. You can match the color all day long, anyone can do that, but you have to match it to real life. I look forward to pointing out how it falls short of 'real life graphics'. Oh man, you crack me up XD



AH????????? Those photographs are real life. You know these one. Its called a camera it can take pictures of real life things.




Yeah, and those graphics are 1000% better than the game you posted.... because it's real life. You getting the point yet? No game has perfect graphics, nor is anyone saying anything to that effect. Every game falls short on graphics in one area or another (this is a fact, just so you know what a fact looks like).

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So I came in with facts but you have beaten me and I know when to quit I am not getting through to anyone here.



Seems the general consensus is graphics and Physics in a game don't matter. Character animation doesn't matter. Bad weather and particles don't matter.



The only thing that matters is being a fanboy and not knowing it.



One last question for you guys.


Do you think Skyrim with mods will look better then Crysis with mods? Thats it.

SquareEnix we are not implying ANY of those things, stop getting over your head, and plus that ocean colour....its coastal water for crying out loud.

If you call us "fanboys" you bash on skyrim "2006 graphics herp derp" then why in hell you bought it AND created an account here?



I know its coastal water its that other fool that keeps saying it doesn't look realistic not me. Still It was the only water I could find in two worlds so its better than no comparison at all.


Also I thought Skyrim was going to be better thats all I have been used to playing games with (lets call them different graphics) don't want to stur more Skyrimians up.


Also I created an account here for mods for Skyrim because of the let down.

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So all you can do is petty little crap like that. Sorry but water looks like that and I bet I can even get a close color code match it photoshop proving it if you want.


Oh please do. You can match the color all day long, anyone can do that, but you have to match it to real life. I look forward to pointing out how it falls short of 'real life graphics'. Oh man, you crack me up XD



AH????????? Those photographs are real life. You know these one. Its called a camera it can take pictures of real life things.





Skyrim take place in a arctic environment, water dont look like that in places such as tht here an example (i didnt read the above post so excuse me)


Edited by Joshico
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Speaking in terms of textures, I have installed almost all the "detailed" mods so far lol. I am also looking at downloading the shader mod floating around.


Skyrim is not an ugly game, but it is also not a pretty game. I mean the world is large enough yes, but not large enough to excuse some of the low def' textures that really take away from the atmosphere the game works so hard to establish.


Also being in the market of buying a new graphics card for 300EUR I do expect a game to take advantage of the new tech instead I can run this game on the same settings and with the same playability on my old card. So once you consider it is a 2011 title from a top developer and look at some things from 2009(sometimes even earlier) at games with lower funding and see much nicer graphics you can become easily peed off.


Personally I am only bother by the limited lighting/shading and the smoke/mist/fog elements that just rest in front of your eyes like big blobs of cotton candy lol. But the modders are working at it and Beth' have hinted at adding DX11/10 features in the future so I am sure they will deliver. The PC market made them what they are today I don't think they will fully abandon us for the greater gains to be had on 360/PS3.

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Ah the old "Graphics don't matter cos I is serious gamer" nonsense, anyone who paid for a high end gaming system must think they matter, if not then why pay the extra? Are they more important than gameplay? no but they still matter. Given the choice between watching the same movie either on Blu-Ray or VHS which one would the vast majority opt for? it's the same movie, one just looks nicer than the other. As for Skyrim the graphics are very inconsistent, sometimes you look and think wow, other times your eyes bleed.
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So all you can do is petty little crap like that. Sorry but water looks like that and I bet I can even get a close color code match it photoshop proving it if you want.


Oh please do. You can match the color all day long, anyone can do that, but you have to match it to real life. I look forward to pointing out how it falls short of 'real life graphics'. Oh man, you crack me up XD



AH????????? Those photographs are real life. You know these one. Its called a camera it can take pictures of real life things.




Yeah, and those graphics are 1000% better than the game you posted.... because it's real life. You getting the point yet? No game has perfect graphics, nor is anyone saying anything to that effect. Every game falls short on graphics in one area or another (this is a fact, just so you know what a fact looks like).




FACTS you damn piece of *********** twisting crap.


I never once said Two worlds 2 has the same visual as real life.


You said it looked like kool aid so I simply linked real water and proved the water color was correct.

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