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How to extract sleeping tree sap?


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All I remember was using the knife (can't remember it's name at the moment) to cut away roots until I reached the base of the tree. Then there was a prompt to get the sap if I'm remembering it correctly. If you killed everything and it's not letting you get the sap, try leaving and returning to the area. Also, it there should be a marker update to show you where the tree is.
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You're talking about two different trees, people. The Sleeping Tree vs Evergleam (or Eldergleam, I forget). Two different quests are involved, as well. The Gleam tree is the one in a cave, the Sleeping Tree is outside at the center of a giant camp.


Not to do spoilers, but there are quests involved with both and that is likely the problem to OP is facing. Have you actually gotten the quest for the sap yet?

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