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Skyrim and ATI HD 6970 card: bad performance


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I think it may have already been mentioned a few times, but just to be sure, is the game running 100% "vanilla"? As in NO mods of any kind, be that texture replaces, FXAA injectors, or anything else?


Also, make sure you disable any power saving features, both in Windows, and in the BIOS. Lets make sure that something outside of the game isn't limiting GPU power.



*I probably should have made note of this earlier... revert your GPU back to stock settings, I have seen a few people having issues with Overclocked video cards, so it's worth a shot. Your CPU should be ok, but you could try lowering that back to stock as well if you like. If the GPU useage (outdoors anyways) shoots up to 90%+ then you may need to try a milder Overclock on the GPU.

Edited by Elder III
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Have you tried limiting all other background tasks that are running and giving skyrim high priority? It might not be your GPU. I have a 6970 and it runs well at 1080p, some dropping because I'm using some high res texures outdoors. I do have to use the 4gb mod or it will crash immediately.
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