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Enable Script


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Wondering what's the easiest way to write this: Book gets opened then initially disabled creature gets enabled. The main problem seems to be that I can't get MyUniqueCreatureIDRef.Enable to come out as a valid reference in the script. Thanks.
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Make sure it's set as a persistent reference.

And make sure you've either identified the creature as that reference in the script or at the one placed in world. Keep in mind "MyUniqueCreatureIDRef" is something other people who copied from the wiki might also use. You will want this reference to be something unique in the broad sense of modding, something like WSBookGuardian01 would probably work better at avoiding conflicts.

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Make sure it's set as a persistent reference.

And make sure you've either identified the creature as that reference in the script or at the one placed in world. Keep in mind "MyUniqueCreatureIDRef" is something other people who copied from the wiki might also use. You will want this reference to be something unique in the broad sense of modding, something like WSBookGuardian01 would probably work better at avoiding conflicts.


That would seem to do it, that and creating and using the reference ID in the enable script. The "MyUnique..etc." is just a placeholder for the actual ID. If I'm asking questions here I might generalize in that way.

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