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Any good bolt-action or WWII mods?


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So the in game HR is ok, but...eh. I'm a bolt action lover, and while I get that given the game's setting they won't be that prominent, there were at least more than one option in the past. All the ones I can find, like the Mauser family, just look *horrible*, or it's just a reskin of the HR that's already there. I found a mod that adds the NV Varmint rifle, but...eh. Everything else I can find is semi-auto, like the DKS-501 or anything in MF.


Anyone know of any 'secret' WWII weapon packs or any standalone mods that'd add a decent looking bolt action rifle to the game? Or just any classic weapons mods (that aren't an M14, already have that) in general?

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'Gun enchantment system?'


But yeah that's why I use Modern Firearms. Sure it might be slightly immersion breaking, but they look sweet as hell and add a ton of variety to the AR class. Plus dat sweet tactical armor. I'm just glad they got rid of the weapon CND factor, but woulda been nice if they kept the occasional jam in...lol a weapon made of 200 year old rusty pipe, wire, and duct tape never, *ever* jams on fullauto? Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ok then XD

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