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Mod running without being activated in NMM


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I have deleted mods which are still running. I used to have NSA No Settlement Attacks and deleted it but I still get no attacks. Same with Allow Companions Into The Institute. Didn't work, uninstalled it and now my companions can come into the Institute.

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Ok with NSA and All Companions what you are seeing is this when installed those two mods make changes to the scripts for attacks and for companions and FO4 is like Skyrim a save game also saves scripts sooo that being said even thou you deinstall those mods the scripts are still changed within your savegames the only way to undo those is to A: Rollback to save before you installed them or B: Use a Savegame Cleaner (Very Advanced Stuff) there maybe a way to get a mod that changes it back by changing a verible in those scripts say like the % chances of an attack this may kick the attacks back into play, Scripting is not my thing but I'm sure there are modders that can do this.

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