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Anyone else LOVE the Thalmor?


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I do not love them, no. I don't even like them, dare I say my feelings towards them are quite the opposite.


They banned the worship of Talos. Talos is a divine. They are jealous because a human could become a divine, and they believe that privilege should only belong to the Altmer. If Talos was not truly a god, you would not receive his blessing at his shrine. It is proof in itself that the Thalmor are wrong.


What's more, they abduct and torture random people all throughout the land. That doesn't exactly scream some entity I should love.


The only thing I like are their fancy robes and elven armor.


I was quite disappointed, too, that during my trip to the Embassy on my High Elf I created exclusively to do this, couldn't put on the Thalmor outfit in the back room and pass off as one of the Thalmor in front of those two guards. It didn't work on any of my other characters, but I figured maybe a High Elf, since they're at least the right race, but no... They even talked about getting a bunch of new mages, so they wouldn't know everyone's faces. But they still attacked me on sight, while in Thalmor disguise.... That's just bad design on Bethesda's part.


I was also disappointed when dressing as an Imperial soldier (in every sort of Imperial armor possible) couldn't persuade them to allow me to pass at a certain fort attempting to rescue a certain npc. I wasn't just dressed as an Imperial soldier either... I was a Legate in the Imperial Legion. An officer! Ugh... such disappointing things revolving around the Thalmor...

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Since my newest character is an Orc Warrior who sympathizes with the Empire, I feel like he should also revere the Thalmor for not completely enslaving the Empire during the War. Do any other Imperial sympathizers feel the same way or am I just stoopid? Plus I think they look awesome with their awesome robes. Awesome.

ya do realize they say numerous times that they are gearing up for war with the empire right? The empire has said the same thing as well. I kill as many of those arrogant uptight... people whenever I see them.


edit - that's not exactly a spoiler there, the first high elf you see you can spam e on him on his idle conversation. He'll eventually say it. Or you can talk to a group of justicars for faster results.

Edited by AndrewWaltfeld
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ya do realize they say numerous times that they are gearing up for war with the empire right

You do realize they allready got the army to take over, right? The Thalmor almsit did an unslaught over the Talos deal. They would have slain half of Skyrim without too much hazzle.

It's the empire gearing up for the war against the thalmor. At the same time the idiotic Stormcloak are wearing down the empire.

You know that this is the plan of the Thalmor? Make the Stormcloak and the legion clash, untill skyrim is weakened and defenseless. Then they can take it with about 0 casualties, meaning they just crushed the last standstone, exept Hammerfell, that is left in Tamriel.


The Thalmor are kicking everythings ass as of now. Only place they got struggle is Hammerfell, since a good bunch of the veteran imperial soldiers and the redguard are holding it off. They had no problems taking down Cyrodiill, nor anything else.

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ya do realize they say numerous times that they are gearing up for war with the empire right

You do realize they allready got the army to take over, right? The Thalmor almsit did an unslaught over the Talos deal. They would have slain half of Skyrim without too much hazzle.

It's the empire gearing up for the war against the thalmor. At the same time the idiotic Stormcloak are wearing down the empire.

You know that this is the plan of the Thalmor? Make the Stormcloak and the legion clash, untill skyrim is weakened and defenseless. Then they can take it with about 0 casualties, meaning they just crushed the last standstone, exept Hammerfell, that is left in Tamriel.


The Thalmor are kicking everythings ass as of now. Only place they got struggle is Hammerfell, since a good bunch of the veteran imperial soldiers and the redguard are holding it off. They had no problems taking down Cyrodiill, nor anything else.


This isn't true. I'd recommend reading the article that I linked to earlier.


Titus Mede II's army retook the Imperial city and hanged the Aldmeri general, Naarifin.


The Thalmor realized they overextended themselves (they had dissidents rising against them at home and in occupied provinces).

The Empire was too devastated at the loss of its provinces due to rebellion.


So the Thalmor accepted pretty much gave the Empire the same agreement they had offered before beginning their blitzkrieg; this was not out of their kind nature, but out of necessity.

Edited by Evilslay3r5
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I am playing as an Imperial and I like Elves...really! I DO! kinda...ummm...ok, Some of my best friend's are Eleves? :rolleyes: I hate the Thalmors. Arrogant pointy eared SObee,s...


So far, I have been very tolerant of their arrogance, but I had a chance meeting with a group of four out in the wilds. They decided to make an example of me because I was a 'puny human'. Why I don't know, anyway enough is enough, I lost it.


I let out with a shout and separated them and took care of the problem. Had one of my rare evil moments and totally enjoyed it. :devil:


Puny human my *ss :verymad: Thalmors are now a legitimate target in my book. Other then that, I have no issues with Elves, all is good. :whistling:

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The whole Imperial or Rebel thing is very well done in this game imo. It's not clear cut good and evil, though things in the tutorial are pretty skewed towards the rebels, when you get to the capitol of the rebellion (Winerhold?) you find that they don't much give a damn about anyone that isn't a nord. The jarl doesn't bother to help elves or beast races that come under attack within his lands at the very least.


That being said, it seems pretty black and white with the Thalmor. Even as an elf, they are arrogant pricks when talking to you (though to be fair, even patrolling imperial guards act that way) and pretty much act like Nazi's. Racial "superiority", extermination of anyone who holds a certain belief, arresting people and confiscating property for whatever reason they care to give you, if anything at all.

Edited by siomasm
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