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Mod Request: Turn off borders and boundaries


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I would love to be able to get rid of all those invisible walls that keep you from going out of bounds. Or those pesky game over screens when you leave the mission area on free roam. I want to explore and it is such a pain to do. maybe someone can also turn off whatever it is that keeps you from crawling up a mountainside. I am not sure if this can be done but if it can please do! and thank you for reading.

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I wouldn't know where the out of bounds stuff is coded, but the second one should be doable. If you're referring to Snake slipping when walking up a gradual slope then this is the file you want to modify: \chunk4\Assets\tpp\pack\location\mafr\pack_common\mafr_common_fpkd\Assets\tpp\level\location\mafr\block_common\mafr_common_nav.fox2


Afghanistan's is in chunk2 and motherbase is chunk3. If you look through those files after unpacking them with FoxTool, you'll see maxClimbableAngle. That's set at 45.1 for most things, so I would imagine if you change Human or Horse name parameters that you'd be able to walk up slopes.

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Holy s***! Talk about untapped potential!


those fpkd's have some crazy s*** in them.


Oh yeah, for sure. I don't have the time to experiment with all of them (that and laziness). For some reason afgh_common_nav_sky.fox2 has a maxClimableAngle parameter as well. The afgh one is set at 89 degrees and has a height of 200, so I'd assume that controls heli movement. The weather file has a bunch of parameters you can tweak. Like for sandstorms you can change the noise color and (presumably) the distance it limits player vision. The gimmick file has parameters that control max counts of that class of object, and the amount of memory to allocate for them.


You do a lot of sound mods so afgh_common_sound_music.fox2 might be particularly relevant to you. Background music, misc phase change music, etc. seem to be controlled by that file. So for:



<property name="safetyAlertToCautionSwitchEvent" type="String" container="StaticArray" arraySize="1">



you could probably just leave the value parameter empty to mute it, instead of having a large .sbp file to modify and upload.


afgh_common_objBrush.fox2 is a file which controls misc tree, grass, and bush parameters. The parts relevant to me are these:



<property name="baseDensity" type="float" container="StaticArray" arraySize="1">

<property name="camoufDensity" type="float" container="StaticArray" arraySize="1">
<property name="camofRadius" type="float" container="StaticArray" arraySize="1">
<property name="camofHeight" type="float" container="StaticArray" arraySize="1">
<property name="modelRadius" type="float" container="StaticArray" arraySize="1">
<property name="stopEyeRadius" type="float" container="StaticArray" arraySize="1">
<property name="stopEyeHeight" type="float" container="StaticArray" arraySize="1">


Those seem to be the parameters for camouflage aspects of foliage. Soldier2ParameterTables.lua has a bushDensityThreshold parameter set at 100, so that's probably what camoufDensity in that .fox2 file is referring to. Unfortunately I still can't think of a way to check player collision on any of that stuff.


Well that's the gist for that particular folder. There's another one somewhere that sets what trees are destructible after x amount of force is applied, so it might be possible to make all of them destructible. But yeah, tons of untapped modding potential in the chunk dats.

Edited by CantStoptheBipBop
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