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_s textures - can I disable them?


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I'll put it simple: I hate how everything shines. Don't know if it looks any better on super-ultra settings for high-end PCs, but on my low-end PC, it's unbearable to look at. I have learned that it's the textures ending with "_s" that cause this effect. Now, is there a way to make the game not displaying them (so it would be like all _s textures were blank)? Some kind of .ini setting? Because the only other option is to make a mod which replaces EVERY SINGLE _s texture in the game with blank one, and that's a hellish lot of work.


(Why I have a feeling that this topic will be left unanswered? I have a bad luck for that.)

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Replacing them is your only option. The game automatically loads the textures and short of rewriting the code itself there's no way to change that.
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That's going to affect a lot more than armor's, skin, walls... That's also going to affect water, lighting, spells, etc. It may be an acceptable workaround for the OP however.
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