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for people with ATI cards


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ive seen a lot of people with high end ati cards having issues, here is my solution


to start with i have a cheap $900 computer build using dual ati radeon 4670's-- ($64 newegg cards / ddr3 1gig, 800 core clock/320 stream poscessor factory over clocked cards) --running in crossfire and i can run 60-80fps in most cases in skyrim on full ultra settings (click ultra/make sure fxaa is off, and put AA to 2 and anisotropic to 4, lowering it increases frame rate with no graphics degrade)


when you enter a game / fast travel/ buildings/etc (anytime u have a loading screen of some sort) just do CTRL+ALT+DELETE and when the menu comes up just hit cancel and for whatever reason it doubles yur framerate.


it only takes 3 seconds to do it and is definetly worth it.



you can test this by using fraps and check yur frame rates before and after.


you will see 75-100% increase in frames per seconds (somtimes more)




Just download the Fraps program (it displays your frames per second in the upper left of yur screen / and u can record game vids with it also)





just install and run it and minimize the program and then play any game it it will display yur fps at top left (or any corner you wish as you can set it where u want it to display)


-install fraps

-run fraps

-click on fps tab at the top center of the fraps menu/popup

-minimize fraps

-run skyrim

-get in game / on a character

-look at frames per second at top left of screen


-hit cancel

-and check frame rate again (if wait screen or anyother menu in game pops up, just tab out of it, then check fps)




i dont know why this doubles frame rate, but it works in skyrim. every other game i play (like rift) doesnt require me to do this

Edited by frapfap
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This method sounds pretty weird, but I've learned that life is often stranger than fiction. I'll try this the next time I'm playing. Thanks for sharing.


yeah its one of those things thats just weird enough to work

Edited by frapfap
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did nothing with me :S


PC build:

motherboard: Asus M4A89GTD-PRO

CPU AMD Phenom II X4 965 Overclock to 4GHZ cooling with Freezer Xtreme Rev.2


GPU: Gigabyte HD 6970 OC

920x1080(HDMI 1080p)

Corsair TX 850 (850W)

Windows 7 64

single 2 TB HD

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