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My problem with heavy armor.


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I find this happens in a lot of rpg games, and it really turns me off heavy armor and high level armor in skyrim.

It's how ridiculous looking the armor gets... since when has red bloody spikes been a sign of good protection? I find a good set of scaled or steel armor looks so much more bad-ass than some of the higher-level stuff you can find.

It also breaks the immersion to run around looking like a goofy world of warcraft toon.


Anyone else feel this way?

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My 2 favourite RP elements are:

Demonic Warrior


Holy Paladin.


Both got suer akward heavy armor and a 2 handed sword. I love it!


Besides, you can use the crafting exploit to get whatever armor you want to armor cap. The only good thing about the exploit, really.

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Yeah I get irritable with the ridiculous doodads added needlessly to armour to make it some childish, laughable conception of 'badass' or 'cool'. It's incredibly easy to have different looking armour without it being ridiculous, especially with the wildly varying fantasy materials present in Elder Scrolls.


They should have made an effort in making armours look more ornate and realistically bulky. By the time I get to Daedric I should look like a Warhammer Fantasy Chaos Warrior, a hulking brute of thick, overlapping plates, chainmail and furs, covered in runic script as a testament to the glorious workmanship of my awesome harness, powered by hearts torn still beating from the chests of daedra!


....instead I look like someone threw a bucket of tar and stalagmites at me.

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And while we're here, why the hell do Nords use Light Armour? They're sodding viking expies....and not a little, it's just blatant. They should be going around in heavy armour! There should be enough chainmail in Skyrim to choke Alduin and every dragon he brought back to death with it!


Then again, they've ruined the Imperial Legion as well. The majority of them should be wearing the Imperial heavy armour, with shields. All of a sudden they've become the Bows And Leather Brigade.

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