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Need a little help with snap points for model.


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I made a few custom models for a mod i'm making and they seem to work perfectly, the collision and everything seems to be spot on, but I want to make them snap together when built and I cannot for the life of me get them to snap with each other, they'll snap with other objects no problem but not to each other for whatever reason. Any help with this would be seriously appreciated this is the only thing stopping me from being able to finish this mod.

Here's a screenshot of my model in NifSkope with the tree expanded and the current connect points i'm using (i've tried countless other vanilla and custom ones with no better luck)



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Also, maybe change the scale of P-WS-Origin from 0 to 1, just in case.


I'll try changing the origin point size but i htink i may have already tryed that before i messed around a lot with all the different values and names of the connect points.


Try adding AVIF 337 with a value of 32 and AVIF 33e with a value of 64 to your object.

I didn't realize that was even a thing, i had to google what AVIF was lol and luckily found another thread with some one sort of referencing using it in there mod, i'll mess with that in a little bit to see if it helps at all, thanks =)




I just tried adding them and it didn't make a difference they still won't snap to each other, now that I know those are a thing i'll try messing around with them tommorow to see if i can produce any results but with AVIF 337 set to 32 and AVIF 33e set to 64 they still don't want to snap to each other at all.

Edited by itachi1019
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What type of Collision are you using?


Have you tried using a Mesh Collision type?


Have you tried adding spacing between your connect points, don't make them exact make them skewed to the left or the right or up.

I am using a mesh collision i believe, its a convex hull generated with the havok content tools in 3ds max 2013, im tried putting a lot of different snap points all over with no different results, even tried copying directly from another working mesh but still no luck, just got back from work and relaxing now but i'm gonna play around with the AVIF's later and try copying those from a working mobject with the matching snap points from that objects mesh and see if they then snap together, if that doesn't work then i'm at a loss here.

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Also, making sure the object bounds are at same or smaller than your mesh can help a lot.

What exactly do you mean by that?


Incase its of any help here is how I made the model i'm trying to use.



Here's a link to the video tutorial I followed -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3WV3xukyqU


What I did exactly is below


Made the basic model in blender, exported it as a .obj and imported it into 3ds Max 2013

Reset the xForm for the base model

Went to "Animation -> Parameter Editor -> Change the dropdown box for Parameter Type to String, named it Prn --> hit add

On the "Modifier Menu" for the base model at the bottom under Custom Attributes I set the node name to STATIC

Went to Havok Content Tools ->Physics->Open Convex Hull Utility

Set the max verts to 32 -> Generate Hull

Link the newly made "hull" model to the base model making it a child of the base model

Selected both meshes ->Havok Content Tool->Create Rigid Body With Proxys

Set mass to 0 ->apply linear and angular dampening and max linear and angular velocity leaving there values default -> Quality Type ->Moving

Reset xForm for "hull" model

On hull model ->Utilities -> More -> CollisionGroup -> Default Material ->MetalSolid ->Object type ->Prop -> Apply to selected

Select Base Model -> Applied BSLightingFX material to it

Exported as .nif and ran through Elrich



Edited by itachi1019
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Load plugin in CK, rclick your object, Recalc Bounds.


and.. is there a reason you added an anim string for?

Alright i'll try that, and i just followed the tutorial for the most part, although it was a tutorial for a weapon but it was the only one I can find, so that Prn thing isn't necessary then i take it? I'll try removing that then.

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