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Please help with flickering shimmering reflections?


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I have been having trouble with this for a while- and have spent days trying to fix it. When I move, anything with reflective light shimmers or flickers. Edges of steps, rooftops, anything metal, grass, leaves- even in the loading screen. I could have seizures watching them.

I have AA at 4x, tranparency multisampling on in the game settings, AF x16, AO too in Nvidia Inspector. I have LOD bias clamped. I tried using a positive lod bias, but when I set it high enough to remove flicker there is too much detail missing. I also tried all other AA setting, SSAA and SGSS kills my fps. Is there any other fix for this?

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As soon as I turned on AO this morning, this also started occurring, so I'd be interested to know as well. Clamp doesn't fix it.


Did you already fix this? I've got the same problem. It is prerry distracting and preventing me to enjoy the game.


Specularity, shadows and vegetation are all flickering / shimmering when moving. Even when setting AA to 4x or using Transparency AA.

I've also tried disabling in-game FXAA, disabling shadow, increasing the Mip-map and AF quality (also trying to force it in driver). All without success.


Also tried setting bFloatPointRenderTarget to 0.


The problem looks a bit like the following:



Only that I also get that flickering effect on distant vegetation and specularity. Even when enabling transparency AA and/or FXAA.

Edited by machuidel
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