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Is there a way to check how much texture data you have used?


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I'm not sure if I've worded it the best as I'm a relative beginner to modding. But I know that texture mods in particular take up game data, and if you have too many of them it can make the game crash. Is there a way to check this? I have around 30 mods as of yet and half of them are texture mods that improve on those in Vanilla Skyrim. Cheers!

Edited by TylerB2016
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What do you mean with "game data"?


The best way I can explain it is simply that I read somewhere that the game only allows you to download and install so many mods if they use up a lot of certain data, such as textures. I was wondering if there was any mod or programme that allows you to see how much you have used up and/or what you have left before the game might become unstable. Hopefully that makes a bit of sense, although I won't take any offence at all if you tell me it doesn't haha.



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There is no limit in textures amount/size (i have around 400 texture mods the majority are 4k all together they weight around 13GB) the limit is on the plugins and is 255 from 00(skyrim.esm) to EF(last plugin loadable) FF is reserved for dynamic stuff in the game.

Edited by Project579
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Just don't exaggerate with texture size especially in Win10/Win8.1/Win8 keep your textures at 2k, 4k for really big ones.

Edited by Project579
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