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Beothiah Champion Quest, can I ressurect my friend after sacrafice?


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Can I resurrect my friend after the sacrifice to Boethiah and she becomes her conduit? I resurrected her right after she assigned me the mission to kill her champion, but she still the conduit for Boethiah. So if I kill her champion can I bring her back to life, because I was reading on UESP that Boethiah will give me another mission to kill somone else, a Jarl. I don't want to do that and just want to resurrect my friend after killing her champion. Is there a way to save my friend?
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what I meant by representative was Beothiah's conduit? Your friend that was sacrificed to be her conduit. If you kill the champion and go back and get the ebony mail as a reward, I assume ur friend goes back to a dead state after Beothiah stops possessing their body. So could you resurrect your friend by going into the command prompt and typing "resurrect"?
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