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Not sure if I should mess with the RR

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I want to turn the RR near Sanctuary into a flat park-n-ride area to make for a more efficient building area. Is this a bad idea? The only relevant story material is meeting dog meat. I read through this thread https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4793065-fort-strongto-delete-the-central-building-or-not/ which made me rethink the whole thing.


I love the RR location and want to build a base there, and maybe start a settlement without having to go down the MM quest line.

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I've read that if you don't meet Dogmeat at the Red Rocket you'll end up meeting him with Nick Valentine later on anyway when he calls Dogmeat for the quest at Kellog's. Also from what I've read you can do settlements without the MM quest line. Just don't ever rescue Preston etc from Concord and you don't have to do MM stuff. That said, it's still a bad idea to remove or even disable quest markers pretty much always. Not having looked at it, my guess is there are molerat markers because you have to kill those to get RR as a settlement and the meet Dogmeat marker. I think you could probably safely flatten the terrain with simple height adjustments to the relevant quest markers to compensate, this is not as severe a change as the other thread was discussing. Then you're not actually deleting or disabling anything and in fact it's still roughly in the same place even. BUT take my advice with a big fat grain of salt, I'm not the expert Chucksteel and others are. I'm pretty new to modding myself.

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Lol I didn't even read your signature! My only other CK/Geck experience before FO4 is with Skyrim where I did really minor set dressing stuff, nothing published. So it looks like you're already ahead of the game. I'm sure Chuck would give you a better answer to this than me, just message him. :D

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that's about what I would have said, There are some triggers and other quest related stuff there to be careful of but it's all minor (I think) ( I do use the cell as a dumping ground when I'm testing stuff but I haven't really looked at everything that is going on for the dog quest.


Good call about the molrats I forgot about them myself.


Wolf and I go back away and have worked on NV interiors together He knows better then to delete refs. :thumbsup:


Edit: didn't refresh the page when I went to reply. you guys are way ahead of me. :rolleyes:

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since i tend to screw around a lot with RR and sanctuary ive found that anything you do up to the bridge effects both settlements.


The only way in my opinion is to flatten towards the water tower (open the build area a bit ) and slightly towards concord .

DO NOT go an inch towards the road ( the uphill) cause its a nightmare to fix if you raise and cover it by accident.

Also note:

Start from the pumps in a circular fashion moving outwards so you dont effect the markers too much.( i think raising the markers if they go underground should work though but i havent tested it )


IMO devs screwed up putting RR so close to sanctuary and limiting the builds/mods for that settlement .


Ever try a scrapall from RR to see what happens ?? ( save BEFORE )...

It kills sanctuary as well (or quite a bit of it ) .

Edited by greekrage
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