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Replacing the default fus ro dah sound file with the trailer's epi


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If you're like me, then you're going to agree when I say that the FUS RO DAH in Skyrim's official trailer is infinitely superior to the ingame's fus ro dah.


Video for reference.



So last night I opened up Skyrim's sound .bsa archive, and took a look at what sound files were used for the said shout. I think the game uses two sound files, one file for just the singular "FUS" and the second file for the "RO DAH". If memory serves correct, the sound files were in a .mp4 or .mkv filetype.


And so it got me thinking:


It couldn't be that overly hard for someone who has skills with software like Audacity or Sony Vegas to perhaps download the "FUS RO DAH" from the trailer as a .mp3, split the said .mp3 into two parts, the "FUS" and "RO DAH" respectively, clean up any excess remaining sound i.e. the music in the background, convert the .mp3's into whatever the .bsa archive recognizes and re-archive the .mp3's straight into the .bsa, thus letting us hear the epic FUS RO DAH everytime we hit Z?


Discussion welcomed.

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Someone already took the trailer audio but it seems like the pause between FUS and RO DAH is a code issue instead of a sound file issue. It's probably going to be one of those things that has to wait until the CK somes out to fix.



why do that when you can have this.




or this


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Someone already took the trailer audio but it seems like the pause between FUS and RO DAH is a code issue instead of a sound file issue. It's probably going to be one of those things that has to wait until the CK somes out to fix.


Why not have the second sound file be blank and the first file be the entire FUS RO DAH, or vice versa?

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