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S.T.E.P. or better setup guides?


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the step guide is only a guide for a modded stable but yet vanilla-esque feel. Personally if eel the beautification project http://www.skyrim-beautification-project.com/ makes the game look better (some of the mods are outdated but you cando as you please for replacements as long as you follow the same path installation wise. Then there is also this: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76373


You should see the step guide as an intro to modding the vanilla game. It is limited by it's own restraints - it dares not do anything bold.


As for overhauls etc:


Immersive Citizens http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65013/? - Gives almost all npcs life and soul, essentially.


This is my particular taste when it comes to visual changes for npcs, to be installed in the order listed.


Inhabitants of skyrim:



Bijin Series:





Farkas & Vilkas








NJoy overhauled and gorgeous npc's

Edited by Dusty4life
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