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I would love to see a completely revamped alchemy system, a series of new apparatus which can be exchanged from inventory to benches as acquired. These would modify not only the properties of potions, but my hope would be that certain effects are not available unless the right apparatus is present. This would also allow the PC to carry a mortar and pestle with them to make the simplest and weakest of potions out of a few ingredients if necessary. It would also cross over into hunting/survival/necessities/crafting/economy/balance eventually. A big realism mod.
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i would love to see a mod that adds a new disease like Vampirism and Lycanthropy, only it should be something along the lines of becoming a deadra, with a huuuuuuugh quest to rid yourself of this disease, the only way you could contract this disease would be by wearing your deadra armor for an extended periode of time. it would be a cool way of bringing some more oblivion into skyrim without ruining the skyrim feel. and also it would force you to not be in your fully enchanted crazy deadra armor all the time. the quest could be a nice revisit to the deadric princes, meaning you would have to have completed some if not all daedric quest.
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How about a semi-hard core mode where you can only save your game in the capital cities? That would mean you would have to be able to get to a dungeon/etc and clear it in one go without dropping dead along the way. Could add a nice amount of tension instead of the current state of "oh well...I'll just quicksave, dash into the next room and see whats around, and if I die I just reload" kind of mentality.
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How about guild quest line extensions so you don't unexpectedly find yourself in charge of a guild with possibly zero relevant skills?


For each guild when the leader is lost there is a fierce competition to find a new leader.


So for the mage line there would be a need to defeat each magic school specialist using only the magic school they specialize in. For some of the defensive schools this could involve having to protect yourself from wave after wave of damage from summoned creatures. For enchantment you could need to defeat the opponent using only enchanted weapons/armor (maybe even just equip an NPC to fight on your behalf).


For the thieves guild you would have to beat the expert trainers at their own skills in sneak, pickpocket, lock-picking, archery, alchemy.


For the companions you would have to prove yourself against experts in one handed, two handed, at least one armor skill, block, (archery?) and smithing.


The bards college is a bit of a dead end....not sure there.


And the dark brotherhood quest line is probably interesting enough already.....I felt like I had earned my place as leader by the time it came around for that one.

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A way to create spells.


With drawbacks to reduce costs, possibly some sort of backlash damage, and the ability to create a spell that consumes items when cast. Non of that item = spell can't be cast (as if you did not have enough magika)


Spells should be able to multi target, at added cost multiplier. If a spell created a spellward AND attacked with an energy stream at the same time, the final cost would be


([spellward] + [energy spell]) x 1.5


A personal spell + a ranged attack spell + an area around you spell at the same time would be a x2 cost.


This does not apply to multiple effects used at the same time, which are simply additive, such as multiple spell resistances, mage armor, and healing combined in one spell.


So, everything you could do in oblivion, and a whole lot more.

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