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I think the Ultimate mod for me would be a 'Pitch Black' take in Skyrim. I would just love it if somebody could create a mod that causes one of those planets or moons in the night sky to appear during the day, and to block out the Sun. Everything goes really dark through the use of a built in realistic lighting mod (WITH the option upon installation to not install that if you already have one ready) and then you have a mission to escort groups of people to the cities.


And not just any of the cities, it would have to be the Solitude, Whiterun, Windhelm and Riften because they have city defence walls. A torch would be needed for two reasons: one - the night would be too dark to travel without it, and two - there are creatures who are harmed by light.


For when the eclipse occurs the creatures come out to cause havoc. They can run extremely fast on the ground, but they can also fly... fast! So outrunning them even with a horse is completely out of the question. They are vast in numbers and they are extremely powerful, let's say health bar of 5000+ and their claw attacks being 500, and mouth bites being 750. Enough to easily overwhelm the baddest of vanilla creatures.


This mod would have a quest system built in, you would have to go to a place where the Jarl of the hold has recieved word that civilians are trapped and need assistance coming to the Hold's stronghold, such as Whiterun. You can only let a certain number of people die in order to complete that quest, and you would have to do this for all the hold's, the most difficult coming towards the end of the Quest line where you have to evacuate people for the hold's that do not have a stronghold such as the cities which do not have walls, that is a long trek and the Jarl himself/herself needs to be take shelter via invitation of another Jarl.


Once the evacuations have been completed, somebody... lets say a priest or even an NPC that already exists but does not have a real part in the vanilla game, tells you how to end the eclipse and thus send the creatures back underground or else that eclipse will last for months as the planet is locked in position for weeks or months.


This is basically the premise, seen in this trailer for 'Pitch Black', the movie:



Ignoring the sci-fi element, it is the creatures, night time and the always evacuating theme that would work immensely well in Skyrim, because I have seen Skyrim lighting mods show just how dark and immersive the game can become. If your torch runs out, and it will... those creatures are going to swoop in. If anybody you are escorting gets left behind... they will die.

Edited by ProjectVRD
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VATS or DAO style combat mod. Basically anything that adds a good RPG-style combat system rather than FPS-style combat system. If I wanted an FPS I would have bought an FPS; I want a good RPG...


This is the genre, dude, since the first of its type, Dungeonmaster. Eye of the Beholder is the same as well.


The term RPG excludes no types of combat control.

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Better sleeping mod. One that lets you see your character sleeping, and it has several sleeping animations/poses. Definitely one that has a different sleeping animation for vampires. Crossed arms probably. It would also be good if we had some more bed options too, specifically coffin beds. I am not alone on wanting this. PLEASE. :thumbsup:
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