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A mod that gives you more plot/character choices for the vanilla and DLC story/quest-lines.


From where you hail from, to were you begin the game, to how to advance and conclude quests and questlines, to killing someone when you deem it necessary(or just want to kill the bastard/*censored*), to be able to deny and/or fail quests with the appropriate good or bad consequences. In other worlds to not be railroaded.


Yeah it's big, but that's the thing that Skyrim lacks the most I believe.

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Mod Idea - BTV or Breaking The Veil.


Your Character dies and is forced to serve his/her time as a Nightingale(if you are one) In the Twilight Sepulcher.


You grow tired of your stay and your dragonblood screams to roam Tamriel again.


Free yourself


Kill Nocturnal


Become the New Night Master/Mistress.


I think this would be cool cause the whole time that she was talking i just wanted to gut her.


This is My dream Mod or a Mod to where you take down all the Daedric Princes.


ohh yeah that would be awesome :D, can someone make this mod pls !!

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My dream mod:

Weapons with various weights, swing speeds, and sizes

Directional and manual attacking and blocking.

Three damage types:

Cut that does the most base damage


Blunt that does moderate damage. Has a slight bonus against armor. Has a chance to knock someone down upon impacted based on weapon weight and defenders block skill. Can crush through a block , based on weapon weight and defenders block skill.


Pierce lowest base damage. Very high armor penetration. Damage bonus if hit the head.


Damage based on damage type, location of the hit, defender's armor, speed of the attack, and the angle of the hit in respect to the initiation of the attack. So for example: To get the most damage out of a sideways swing from the right you would want the hit to be in between 45 degrees and 135 degrees from your right shoulder.


Distance also matters, if the NPC is face hugging you, you wont be able to maneuver that two hander that's three times bigger than both of you combined in a way to hit him with enough force to hurt him. So you have to get something smaller.

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My dream mod would be implementing Hogwarts castle with quest.


Romance, actual romance, no get amulet, get married, done


Terrain destruction.


Create your own civil war faction and go siege towns with actual big battles with catapults, town destruction. Other factions can take your towns as well.

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I would love a mod for not unequipping 2 handed swords to cast a single magic spell....I hate this, it breaks immersion for me and I just want to be able use one spell without unequipping. It would be really cool if you just placed the 2H in your right hand and it just took a a second or two to pull out the spell. Can someone let me know if this is already a mod or if it's possible?
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