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My dream mod would be to be able to transform into some sort of semi-angel or evolved paladin.

Being able to fly around with an angels wings wearing holy (heavy) armor and a sword.

Shining my light down on people and casting restoration spells in combat (along with using the badass two-handed sword).

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  • 4 weeks later...

An overhaul that will try to bring the classic gameplay,armors,creatures etc we know and loved from precious TES games.


That includes all races having different body heights,attributes etc,random loot,dynamic persuasion system,acrobatics and athletics with skill trees and perks,expensive items,battle that actually requires skill and not just button mashing,and many other things... I think you get the picture.

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I posted this in another requests thread a moment ago, but because it would be the one thing I'd like to see happen the most, here I go again... :)


Playable Draugr Race that displays when you change gear and works with sliders in showracemenu. This would probably require something based on the Nords maybe including a retexture/mesh mod for all Draugr from elsewhere on the Nexus. I don't really know anything about modding except that the one Draugr Race mod on here doesn't do these things, is no longer supported, and the author listed the Draugr mesh as the problem with completing their project. Definitely my dream mod. :)


Thanks! :)

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Better fighting with more styles, ie Light, Medium and Heavy weapons; Light, Medium and Heavy armour; Light bows, Heavy bows; arrows don't penetrate heavy armour very well if shot from a light bow, but do penetrate if shot from a heavy bow; swords best against light armour, axes best against medium armour, maces best against heavy armour; proper locational damage, where hitting someone's hand doesn't do much damage but cripples them, where as hitting someone in the skull would do good damage; better animations that look more controlled and accurate (has anyone at Bethesda ever swung a sword?) and yadda yadda.


That's my mod.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A mod that will re-create Cyrodiil and Morrowind within the same game. Allowing me to travel across Tamriel, partake in any quest, raid dungeons, build a town, a keep, and possibly an army. A mod that will allow me to create political alliances with faction in different countries or create enemies that I might be attacked. Allow me to either build a town up or destroy it. I know it is possible, but I don't think anyone one modder has the time or resources to pull it off. It would have to be done third party with the understanding that they are doing it for the love of the game.


If Bethesda came out with a Cyrodiil and morrowind expansion, Skyrim would be the game of a lifetime with a lifetime of content.

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