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  On 2/22/2014 at 9:46 PM, deathking22317 said:


My dream mod is to have

  • someone make a dark magician girl armor set mod from yugioh for the SeveNBase body that would make skyrim even better :thumbsup:


A Yugioh armour mod would be awesome <3

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1.) Gilgamesh armor and follower from Fate/zero and Fate/stay night

2.) Also from the same series Iskander(sorry if thats spelled wrong) King Of Conquers

3.) Rider From Fate/stay night

4.) also armor and weapons + Followers from the Saint Seiya Series/ Knight of The Zodiac

5.) Kratos from the game god of war as a follower

6.) Characters from Naruto as followers preferably minato, kakashi, itachi, madara, sasuke

7.) IF AT ALL POSSIBLE please make all the tailed beast as followers and enemies that are from the Naruto series

8.) i forgot to say this but Both Lancers from Fate/stay night and Fate/zero

9.) Characters from DBZ if at all possible their armor and as followers

10.) dinosaurs as enemy creatures

11.) and actually working HQ/HD texture packs that dont eat FPS

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  On 11/29/2011 at 9:51 PM, darkblayd said:

A mod that puts all the stuff in the game that should have been there to begin with. Parry with dual wield, Acrobatics ressurected complete with perks including dodge rolls, Spell Crafting, cast spells while equipped with a bow, etc etc etc... and yes that counts as one thing imo.


This is definitely what I'd call my "dream mod". There are people who have done aspects of this dotted around the Nexus, but there are many features that haven't been touched yet.


I love Skyrim, but every time I play it just lacks that sparkle that Morrowind and Oblivion had. There's something that's just not quite there. I think it is all the little details. The small things that were removed that actually add up to a gaping hole in the world. So, while I'm trying to find all the mods (and even create some myself) that add those details, powers, choices, abilities, skills, etc, etc back in, if someone just wants to go ahead and sort an all in one release to fix the game, that'd be fine by me.


Strange though, my dream mod is simply to have the game as it should have been to start with.

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