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Can someone check Old North Church for me please?


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just checked with both culling on and off and no issues..

BUT i did notice that those windows also have a reflection texture.

Is it possible that that isnt working and causing the invisible windows ?


Lol screwy windows...that only reflect during a rainstorm .http://prntscr.com/cb9xtv

Edited by greekrage
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Thanks for the suggestions! I use some of the "rebuilt" mods too so that is an interesting angle. But this reflection texture also sounds important. But as I say when I go to the location in CK, I can select the 2 main church building objects, but nothing separately for the windows. So how have you identified a reflection texture please?


I've heard a lot of folks mention the Goodneighbor (sp, ffs whatever it is, good nay bah) issue. Maybe these are all connected somehow and it isn't a mod doing it.

Edited by m0ds1984
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TBH i also noticed that CK and the game itself dont " communicate " that well... Im seeing stuff that ive edited or removed re-appearing or not in the position i had them set .

Or seeing shifted terrain,textures that i didnt use etc...as if the game has a mind of its own.

Is it possible that the issues with the church could be caused by a mod that unintentionally screwed up certain global items/textures ??


TBH I really don't know where to begin with this one.


The game and the tool used to make the game communicate just fine. Did you ever think that maybe it's on your end? My guess is your testing things with a dirty save so some of the things that are baked into your save do not and will not ever change no matter how much you edit them in the Ckit.


Some things such as LOD are not controlled by the items you've DELETED, This means Landscape, Distant objects will reappear with there LOD version when your not close to them in game. Example, You DELETE a tree or building and in game you move away from the area you will see the building or tree in the distance because of the LOD files (LOD are the low Rez versions that you see in the distance and used for game performance.)


The only way to remove the LOD objects is to regenerate the LOD for the cell you've edited.


There are no such magical Global items or textures to be unintentionally screwed up!


Note: I'm not advocating DELETING VANILLA REF's! DELETING VANILLA REF's is something you should never NEVER NEVER do!




have you tried editing this line in the custom.ini ? ( in the pic its default )




I HAVE to use it or everything goes in and out especially in areas where ive done extensive editing/deleting .

This doesn't sound like a Pre-Culling issue and using that .ini edit is not the best solution for the problem. Setting that disables Pre-Culling for the ENTIRE game and can and will KILL FPS and performance. Especially if your not on a top notch PC.


Also I won't get into the Editing/DELETING but "It's NEVER a good idea to DELETE Vanilla Ref's.


yeah i know about the fps hit...trust me.. :tongue: But even if im not deleting,someone elses mod that im using might have the same effects . So i choose to use it...


So you choose to mask or hide the real issue and not solve the problem, that is your choice and your game but your offering a hacky workaround as a solution when someone is looking for a real solution.


DELETING VANILLA REF's Has nothing to do with occlusions or the occlusion culling in any way other then the game thinks it should not render what is behind the building you DELETED. This is how the game works and how it's optimized.


As stated above! I'm not advocating DELETING VANILLA REF's! DELETING VANILLA REF's is something you should never NEVER NEVER do!


Ive said it before, I've told you this before But I'll tell you again. DELETING VANILLA REF's is BAD, they can cause CTD's, break quests and saves among other things. If you want to get rid of a vanilla object set them to "Initially disabled" and move them below ground to get them out of the way! Doing this insures that if the game or other mod needs the ref for any number of reasons the ref is still there and not DELETED. The game can find the ref even if it's disabled.

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Thanks for the suggestions! I use some of the "rebuilt" mods too so that is an interesting angle. But this reflection texture also sounds important. But as I say when I go to the location in CK, I can select the 2 main church building objects, but nothing separately for the windows. So how have you identified a reflection texture please?


I've heard a lot of folks mention the Goodneighbor (sp, ffs whatever it is, good nay bah) issue. Maybe these are all connected somehow and it isn't a mod doing it.

I recently did a nuke from orbit and completely fresh reinstall of the game and its files, all mods and began a new save game with fresh mod installs. This time I made sure I never installed Gandalf's stuff and my Goodneighbor walls are back to normal. I didn't thoroughly test that to be the issue but I seem to remember someone else saying that mod messed up their Goodneighbor walls also and at least casually it appears to be a potential cause. Not fully verified by me though so take with a grain of salt.

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a) im not an idiot ,just unseasoned in this game called modding...


b) im not talking about lod's etc and "DELETED" objects .( i should have said disabled when i used the TABOO word called DELETE!! )

In fact im talking about objects that i placed or moved and finding them either not there or not where i put them even though i had a successful save in CK.


c) when i mean global i mean that certain things we do effect an object in many ways even "globaly " like editing a texture and and effecting every item/object that uses it in the game.

Example i had a green mod (grass trees,bushes etc.. ) that when uninstalled left me with a crapload of missing texture warning signs all over the map ( red triangles) .


d) this... "a hacky workaround " lol funny how this solution was given to me by a very well known modder/author and other than a slight FPS drop in the city it fixed my issue then until i did a fresh install and no longer needed it.



Now please stop looking down on everyone that isnt "on your level"...its not very nice...

Edited by greekrage
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a) im not an idiot ,just unseasoned in this game called modding...


b) im not talking about lod's etc and "DELETED" objects .

In fact im talking about objects that i placed or moved and finding them either not there or not where i put them even though i had a successful save in CK.


c) when i mean global i mean that certain things we do effect an object in many ways even "globaly " like editing a texture and and effecting every item/object that uses it in the game.

Example i had a green mod (grass trees,bushes etc.. ) that when uninstalled left me with a crapload of missing texture warning signs all over the map ( red triangles) .


d) this... "a hacky workaround " lol funny how this solution was given to me by a very well known modder/author and other than a slight FPS drop in the city it fixed my issue then until i did a fresh install and no longer needed it.



Now please stop looking down on everyone that isnt "on your level"...its not very nice...

a) I looked at your Serenity mod and found hundreds of deleted references, including linked refs, enemy spawns, companion dialogue markers and more. This is likely why you're getting a lot of reminders to stop deleting references.


b)this is probably because you're not loading a save file from before you added the mod you are testing, hence old stuff is getting baked into your save file. A quick look at your serenity mod in FO4Edit shows all kinds of problems that will be baked into your save files, conflict with other mods and also cause CTDs. This is what Chucksteel meant by a "dirty save"


Finally Chucksteel isn't looking down on people who aren't at his level, he's shown an incredible amount of support and help to me in recent days. He's trying very hard to educate you, not only for your sake, but for the sake of all the people who download your mods that are currently dangerous to their games.

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a) im not an idiot ,just unseasoned in this game called modding...


b) im not talking about lod's etc and "DELETED" objects .

In fact im talking about objects that i placed or moved and finding them either not there or not where i put them even though i had a successful save in CK.


c) when i mean global i mean that certain things we do effect an object in many ways even "globaly " like editing a texture and and effecting every item/object that uses it in the game.

Example i had a green mod (grass trees,bushes etc.. ) that when uninstalled left me with a crapload of missing texture warning signs all over the map ( red triangles) .


d) this... "a hacky workaround " lol funny how this solution was given to me by a very well known modder/author and other than a slight FPS drop in the city it fixed my issue then until i did a fresh install and no longer needed it.



Now please stop looking down on everyone that isnt "on your level"...its not very nice...

a) I looked at your Serenity mod and found hundreds of deleted references, including linked refs, enemy spawns, companion dialogue markers and more. This is likely why you're getting a lot of reminders to stop deleting references.


b)this is probably because you're not loading a save file from before you added the mod you are testing, hence old stuff is getting baked into your save file. A quick look at your serenity mod in FO4Edit shows all kinds of problems that will be baked into your save files, conflict with other mods and also cause CTDs. This is what Chucksteel meant by a "dirty save"


Finally Chucksteel isn't looking down on people who aren't at his level, he's shown an incredible amount of support and help to me in recent days. He's trying very hard to educate you, not only for your sake, but for the sake of all the people who download your mods that are currently dangerous to their games.


BTW i dont have any issues with serenity...old or new savegames..... Im having this issue with mystic pines. Its like there is some kind of conflict with another mod that effected the same cells but i dont have anything remotely related to that area installed. and the area im working on is quite small but this issue only happens on the left side as we look at the building from the front...its pretty weird thats why i mentioned it .



No more derailing...

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