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Mod Request - I wanna go home :( [map history]


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Ever tried to backtrack to where you've been before? Its pretty damn hard.

I'd like to have the ability to easily target any system I've visited in the galactic map.


I had my first planet 95% done (animal analyzing and etc) and read about how to get the Atlas Pass and so I went two jumps down the Atlas path and now I can't find my way back to finish my first planet and collect the reward (OCD much?)


I have LOTS of mod ideas, but this is the one that is really glaringly deficient.

Thanks for your time

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a complete overhaul of the map would be cool, and so much needed.

My suggestions:


  • Standard camera position so far away that you can see all reachable stars around your current position. Maybe a transparent sphere around your position to indicate your maximum hyperjump distance
  • Write the name next to those stars, so you don't have to move the cursor to read their name, or, since is supposed to be a exploration game, don't show names of unvisited systems at all
  • Clearly color coded stars and paths: Red for Atlas, Blue for visited systems, Yellow for favourites that you can mark as interesting


Really, i know we all know this, but i have to say it again: the starmap is the worst kind of s#*! map i have ever seen. I would be really just kinda ok when you wanted to jump to a random system next to you and don't care where you are going. It would have been sooo easy for the developers to fix it. Except they didn't bother.

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I'm still pretty impressed with what a 15 person team was able to pull off... probably wouldn't have been as much backlash if Sony hadn't jumped in and turned on the hype machine. But on the other hand, now they have enough $$ to hire all the help they need. Their next game will take this theme MUCH further. I dunno how long they'll build on this one, but thats what the modders are best at

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2nd and 3rd this request, lack of any sorta mapping is killin me!!! Specially a gd planetary surface map. got Turned around on my starting planet performing the exploring i thought was the point of the game and lost my ship totally, wound up too far from it with not enough supplies or popups explaining how to acquire/create what i needed to survive the trip back. A simple local map of any kind woulda saved my ass, and prevented the whole issue fro. Ever happening. Galatic mapping atm is functionally useless, and 1024% pointless, with pathing to center on it recommends i go 698ly linear but its actually talking me 650ly FURTHER FROM center. As others noted OCD completionism is impossible, WHERE the hell did i come from? Idk, and neihter does my super-futuristic scanner, NOR my analysis visor, NOR the scanner on my ship. Kinda a huge glaring lack imo, but what can you expect? $$ matters, and they already got mine, good luck actually getting what i was led to believe i was purchasing.
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Me too. I desperately want an easy way to trace back where I have been. It is crazy because despite the fact I renamed all systems and also planets I discovered, I was not able to trace back any of them. You would think that you would eventual stumble on one of yours, but there is too many stars and when you click on one, it flies you around so you loose track of which stars you just tried. If, at least, we could see the name of the systems by just hovering over them without clicking. This would help a lot.

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Ok, so after studying waypoints works in the galactic map, I realized I can't set one where I currently am, but any other star is ok (which is dumb) so if you want to save a system's location, you have to find it right after you left it and set a waypoint at that time. I don't see any way of removing waypoints, unless they just remove themselves when you arrive back in that system.

This is, of course, craptastic, but its something

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