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Is it possible to organize mods a little better in the PCBANKS folder?


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You can rename the mod file to whatever you want, just as long as it stays a .pak so the game reads it. I added a z to the beginning of some of mine. Using Refresh icons, TPTO, and several others, I had to make sure the mod I wanted the most of was lower.


example order


_Refresh Icons Menu v1.4.pak







All the mods with a z, I added it. Makes sure I get most of Refresh, then what I wanted from the others, otherwise, refresh would overwrite them.

Could also just as easily add a number to the front of the file name.

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For me personally, I'm the only one who uses my computer, and I like having stuff so it isn't easy for others to figure out. I likes mah things the ways they is. lol

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